{{B}}Inspecting a Used Car{{/B}} The scariest part of buying a used car is not being completely sure of what condition it’s in. A car that’s been in a major accident is always a bigger risk, but sellers often try to hide this information. Andrew Blealdey, evaluator-inspector, runs a mobile vehicle inspection service in Montreal. For about $ 80 be will perform a full, unbiased inspection on a used vehicle. In his 10 years as a professional inspector, Bleakley has seen a lot. He warns "Watch out for dealer demonstration vehicles which are used not new. They may have been in a collision." He adds that it is not uncommon in Ontario and Quebec especially for unscrupulous sellers to roll back the odometer or to even disengage it. Bleakiey has special tools to check for this. Bleakley always recommends hiring all indepen A. be done by mechanic together with the dealer B. only be done by a qualified mechanic C. be done by the buyer himself D. be done by a qualified mechanic together with the buyer [单选题]在采区回风巷、采掘工作面回风巷风流中瓦斯浓度超过( )或二氧化碳浓度超过1.5%时,必须停止工作,撤出人员,采取措施,进行处理。
A.0.50% B.0.75% C.1.00% [单选题]国家电网有限公司安全事故类别分为人身、电网、设备和( )四类。
A. 信息系统 B. 火灾 C. 输电线路 D. 配电线路 [填空题]需求分析分为总体需求分析和详细需求分析两个阶段。总体需求分析的目的是进行总体规划,明确未来系统“()”;详细需求分析也称系统分析,主要明确未来系统“()”。
A.螺纹 B.防缓线 C.螺母 D.红线 [简答题]亚里士多德是哪位古希腊伟大的哲学家的弟子?
A. 4 B. 63 C. 255 D. 1023 [单选题]倒闸作业前,应按倒闸作业票记载的倒闸顺序与( )核对相符,如有疑问,不得擅自更改,经向电力调度或值班长报告,查清情况后再操作。
A.实际现场 B.施工图 C.模拟图 D.略 E.略 F.略 [多选题]下列关于房地产转让的表述中,正确的有( )。
A.以划拨方式取得土地使用权的,转让房地产时,按照国务院的规定,报有批准权的人民政府审批 B.共有房地产,未经其他共有人书面同意的房地产可以转让 C.权属有争议的房地产不得转让 D.房地产转让当事人需要签订书面转让合同 E.房地产管理部门办理房屋权属登记手续的,核发房地产权属证书 我来回答: 提交