Once they are more than a month old,
babies seem to learn readily. (84) Moreover, solving a problem or discovering
the relationship between their own actions and an event in the external world
seems to have its own rewards for infants. The pleasure involved in such an experience seemed obvious in one study of two-to-four- month-old infants who were given a chance to control a yellow-and-green mobile. One of these mobiles was suspended above each infant, who play in a crib (小床) with a ribbon attached to one ankle. The other end of the ribbon was attached to the hook from which the mobile was suspended. As the infants moved about, waving their arms and kicking their legs, they learned to connect the motion of one leg with the bobbing(跳动) of the mobile. As they smiled and gurgled(咯咯的笑) at the moving mobile, the infants began t A. illustrate some experiments with old people B. introduce more information about the infants C. devote some space to the background information about the experiment D. talk about different theories on learning [简答题]由中宣部宣教局、中央网信办传播局等联合举办的第三届社会主义核心价值观主题微电影征集展示活动优秀作品发布仪式14日在京举行,面向社会集中发布135部优秀核心价值观主题微电影。
[多选题]因果图可以用来( )。
A.收集数据 B.分析因果关系 C.表达因果关系 D.识别“关键的少数” E.掌握过程的波动情况 [单项选择]病历摘要:患者男性,24岁。从三楼坠下,脑外伤、下颌骨粉碎性骨折。急行下颌骨固定,术后,在ICU病房观察治疗。3日后,感腹痛、穿刺腹腔有淤血。查体:一般情况差、神志恍惚、头部肿大、口不能张开、心率120次/min、律齐、两肺呼吸音正常、血压130/80mmHg。B超提示:肝脏右叶脏面破裂,再急行剖腹探查。应选择何种麻醉()。
A. 局麻 B. 全麻经口气管插管 C. 全麻经鼻盲探气管内插管 D. 全麻(静脉麻醉) E. 针麻 [判断题]ST1-600型闸调器在做外观和作用检查时,可以敲打闸调器
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )是晨检的必需品
A.晨检牌、记录本 B.听诊器、血压计 C.压舌板、体温表 D.晨检牌、记录本、压舌板、体温表 [单选题]《农村中小金融机构案件责任追究指导意见》规定,对被动发现案件,以及反复发生同质同类案件的,必须严格按照( )的要求落实责任追究。
A.一案三问责和上追两级 B.一案三问责和上追三级 C.一案四问责和上追两级 D.一案四问责和上追三级 [单项选择]患者,女,29岁。因急性扁桃体炎,需青霉素400万单位加入0.9%的生理盐水250ml中静脉滴注,每天2次。输液中下列护理措施中错误的是()
A. 加强巡视 B. 注意输液滴速 C. 输液完毕在针眼上方按压,拔针 D. 按揉针眼处止痛 E. 按压至不出血 [判断题]国际贸易融资业务是指,本行为客户提供的与进出口贸易(含服务贸易)相关的资金融通或信用便利。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]常用危险化学品的标志设主标志和副标志,主标志()种。
A.15 B.16 C.18 [单项选择]
Mergers and Acquisitions Mergers and Acquisitions refers to the aspect of corporate strategy, corporate finance and management dealing with the buying, selling and combining of different companies that can aid, finance, or help a growing company in a given industry grow (21) without having to create another business entity. In business or economics a merger is a (22) of two companies into one larger company. Such actions are commonly (23) and involve stock swap or cash payment to the target. Stock swap is often used as it allows the shareholders of the two companies to (24) the risk involved in the deal. A merger can resemble a takeover but result (25) a new company name and in new branding; in some cases, (26) the combination a "merger" rather than an acquisition is done purely for political or marketing reasons. An acquisition, also known as a takeover or a buyout, is the b A. in B. on C. of D. at [判断题]施焊的工艺评定编号也是焊接装配图中的焊接工艺文件。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]依据《山东省生产经营单位安全生产主体责任规定》:生产经营单位发生生产安全事故,造成其从业人员死亡的,死亡者家属除依法获得工伤保险补偿外,事故发生单位还应当按照有关规定向其一次性支付生产安全事故死亡赔偿金。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]无功补偿最有利的补偿方式是( )。
A.个别补偿 B.分组补偿 C.集中补偿 D.B和C [单项选择]两个软件都属于系统软件的是
A. DOS和Excel B. DOS和UNIX C. UNIX和WPS D. Word和Linux [单选题]供电企业对居民用户家用电器损坏所支付的修理费用或赔偿费,由()中列支。
A.电费收入 B.供电生产成本 C.经营收入 D.其他成本 [单选题]混凝土枕挡肩破损,接近失去支承能力且破损长度超过挡肩长度( )达到失效标准。
A.A、1/3 B.B、1/2 C.C、1/4 D.D、1/5 [单选题]降雨可能诱发路基防护设施状态变化,或可能发生一般水害的地点确定为( )。
A.Ⅰ级防洪重点地点 B.Ⅱ级防洪重点地点 C.Ⅲ级防洪重点地点 D.防洪薄弱地段 [简答题]现代法治与传统法制之间的区别
A. 磨合—形成—表现—规范—休整 B. 形成—磨合—表现—规范—休整 C. 磨合—表现—形成—规范—休整 D. 形成—磨合—规范—表现—休整 [单选题]甲拾得某银行签发的金额为 5000 元的银行本票一张,并将该本票背书送给女友乙作生日礼物, 乙不知本票系甲拾得,按期持票向银行提示付款。假设银行知晓该本票系甲拾得并送给乙,对于乙 的付款请求,下列表述正确的是( )。
A.根据票据无因性原则,银行应当支付 B.乙无对价取得本票,银行得拒绝支付 C.虽甲取得本票不合法,但因乙不知情,银行应支付 D.甲取得本票不合法,且乙无对价取得本票,银行得拒绝支付 [单选题]准许溜放,但要限速连挂的车辆是( )。
A.乘坐旅客的车辆 B.机械冷藏车 C.轨道起重机 D.装有鲜蛋类的车 [单选题]电气化铁路相关作业人员每年至少进行___安全考试,考试合格后,方准参加作业。
A.1次 B.2次 C.3次 D.4次 [单项选择]对一位已婚肥胖男性实施饮食干预,最好的支持性环境是()
A. 家庭 B. 学校 C. 单位 D. 社会 E. 社区 我来回答: 提交