Carl studied in our high school three
years ago. Last August his father found a job in another city and his family
moved there. He began to study in a new school and we often write to each other.
He often tells me something about the city where he lives now and his studies in
the school. So I can know what happens to him. Last Friday Carl came to our city again. He hoped to stay with his old grandpa during the summer holiday. He’s taller and stronger than before. We swam in the river outside the city together or had a picnic on the island. It surprised me that he has learned to cook when we were travelling in the wild forest. He told me his parents were both busy and sometimes he stayed at home alone and he had to look after himself. "How do you like your school" I asked. "Wonderful," said the young man. "It has a tall A. take his summer vacation B. look after his grandpa C. swim in the river D. know what happens [单项选择]人的教育与动物的“教育”的本质区别在于人的教育具有()
A. 人性 B. 计划性 C. 意识性 D. 科学性 [单选题]合议庭组成人员确定后,人民法院在()日内告知当事人。
A.2 B.3 C.5 D.7 [名词解释]社会生产方式
[单项选择]In recent decades, there is a phenomenon which makes us give some attention: the so-called Southeast Asian "tigers" have rivaled the western "lions" for stock cliches that make economic headlines. The myth of American economic hegemony(霸权) over Asia in the imposing and patriarchal figure of Uncle Sam has provided frequent political grist (有利) for Southeast Asian political leaders, particularly Malaysia’s Prime Minister Mahathir. He has attempted to forge an international reputation as a snarling tiger, but lately sounds more like a barnyard dog groaning at shadows. Without demeaning in any way the remarkable achievements of the newly developing economies of Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia, these nations at times appear to be their own worst enemies. This is often exemplified by Dr. Mahathir, who rails at Western evil whenever an international or domestic crisis provides an opportunity.
To be more specific, the recent devaluation of the Philippine and Thai currencies, and the subs A. prove that he has been a poor leader in general B. are poor because they weaken his own credibility C. are sharp in identifying the cause of the problem D. reveal his keen insight into the complex issue [单项选择]精神类药品处方保存时间()
A. 1年 B. 2年 C. 3年 D. 4年 E. 5年 [单选题]测电笔只能用在对地电压在( )以下的电路中。
A.220V B.380V C.600V D.250V [单选题]基坑内应设置作业人员上下坡道或爬梯,数量不应少于 ( ) 个。作业位置的安全通道应畅通。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [填空题]It is not easy to talk about the role of the mass media in this overwhelmingly significant phase in European history. History and news become confused, and one’’s impressions tend to be a mixture of skepticism and optimism. (46)Television is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed--and perhaps never before has it served so much to connect different peoples and nations as in the recent events in Europe. The Europe that is now forming cannot be anything other than its peoples, their cultures and national identifies. With this in mind we can begin to analyze the European television scene. (47)In Europe. as elsewhere, multi -media groups have been increasingly successful: groups which bring together television, radio, newspapers, magazines and publishing houses that work in relation to one another. One Italian example would be the Berlusconi group, while abroad Maxwell and Murdoch come to mind.
Clearly, only the biggest and most flexible television companies a
[单选题]内部人才市场管理工作遵循( )的原则。
A.统一管理、分工负责 B.分级管理、统一负责 C.分级管理、分工负责 D.统一管理、统一负责 [单选题]()指具备自然人特征,与农商行任何业务有某种直接、间接或潜在关系,实际存在或曾经存在过的自然人。
A.对公客户 B.对私客户 C.正式客户 D.潜在客户 [判断题]启动助燃风机前必须打开助燃风管主管取样管检查是否有煤气
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]人民警察必须以()为活动准则,忠于职守,清正廉洁,纪律严明,服从命令,严格执法。
A.宪法 B.法律 C.法规 D.规章 [单选题]定期报告制度。市县级行社定期对集团客户授信风险进行分析,形成信用风险报告,并于每季(年)度后( )日前上报上级管理机构。( )
A.3 B.5 C.10 D.20" [单项选择]讯问未成年的犯罪嫌疑人时,错误的做法是()。
A. 在公安机关进行 B. 在未成年人的单位进行 C. 在未成年人的学校进行 D. 必须通知其家长到场 [简答题]简述怎样对小学儿童的需要进行引导和培养。
A. 海绵状血管瘤 B. 蔓状血管瘤 C. 血管畸形 D. 动静脉瘘 E. 混合性血管瘤 [单项选择]患者男,36岁。主因“咳嗽、咳痰3d”于门诊就诊,诊断为上呼吸道感染,予以左氧氟沙星输液治疗,在治疗过程中患者突然出现声音嘶哑、喘憋,在站起寻求护理人员帮助的时候摔倒,伴意识障碍。心率120次/min,血压70/45mmHg。该患者的诊断是()
A. 支气管哮喘 B. 脑血管意外 C. 心源性休克 D. 过敏性休克 E. 感染中毒性休克 [单项选择]下列有关生产类型的特征描述中,不正确的是( )。
A. 连续不断地生产数量最多的相同产品,称为大量生产 B. 成批地制造相同的产品,并且按一定周期重复地进行生产,称为成批生产 C. 重型机器、新产品试制的生产都属于单件生产 D. 汽车、轴承及自行车的生产属成批生产 [单项选择]国内某产品生产商向我国商务部申请对从甲国进口的该产品进行反倾销调查。该产品的国内生产商共有100多家。根据我国相关法律规定,下列哪一选项是正确的?
A. 任何一家该产品的国内生产商均可启动反倾销调查 B. 商务部可强迫甲国出口商作出价格承诺 C. 如终裁决定确定的反倾销税高于临时反倾销税,甲国出口商应当补足 D. 反倾销税税额不应超过终裁决定确定的倾销幅度 [单选题]一次查获摔炮、发令纸1000响以上、 每起奖励( )元。
A.500 B.1000 C.2000 D.10000 [多选题]悬挑脚手架连墙件的布置间距除应满足计算要求外,还应符合下列要求:(
A.竖向间距应W2h B.竖向间距应W3h C.横向间距应W3La D.每根连墙件的覆盖面积W27nr E.每根连墙件的覆盖面积W30nr [不定项选择题]A.五皮饮合五苓散
A.参芪地黄汤 B.参苓白术散 C.麻黄连翘赤小豆汤合五味消毒饮 D.越婢加术汤 E.急性肾炎脾肾亏虚,水气泛溢证,治疗应首选的方剂是( ) [不定项选择题]下列关于证券市场支撑线和阻力线的说法中,正确的有( )。
Ⅰ 支撑线和压力线可能相互转化
Ⅱ 一条支撑线如果被跌破,那么这一支撑线将成为压力线
Ⅲ 一条压力线被突破,这个压力线将成为支撑线
Ⅳ 支撑线和压力线是不能改变的
A.Ⅰ、Ⅱ B.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅳ C.Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ D.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ [多选题]党的十八大以来,人民军队( ),在中国特色强军之路上迈出了坚定步伐,强军事业取得了历史性成就。
A.重振政治纲纪 B.重塑组织形态 C.重整斗争格局 D.重建建设布局 E.重树作风形象 [单项选择]在常压和500℃条件下,等物质的量的Ag2O、Fe(OH)3、NH4HCO3、NaHCO3完全分解,所得气体体积依次为V1、V2、V3、V4。体积大小顺序正确的是______
A. V3>V2>V4>V1 B. V3>V4>V2>V1 C. V3>V2>V1>V4 D. V2>V3>V1>V4 [多项选择]放射性核素显像与其他影像学比较()
A. 易发生过敏反应 B. 受引入放射性活度限制 C. 显示组织细微结构 D. 图像分辨率不高 E. 显像技术更为复杂 [单选题]若遇特殊情况需解锁操作,应经运维管理部门防误操作装置专责人或( )的人员到现场核实无误并签字后,由运维人员告知当值调控人员,方能使用解锁工具(钥匙)。
A.运维管理部门指定 B.调度控制中心指定 C.调度控制中心指定并经书面公布 D.运维管理部门指定并经书面公布 [单项选择]坐出租车要在车停稳后从()门下车。
A. 左边的 B. 右边的 C. 随意的 [单项选择]()是达到饰面清水混凝土效果的首要条件和技术关键。
A. 浇筑质量 B. 模板工程质量 C. 混凝土配合比 D. 原材料 [不定项选择题]A.异烟肼
A.苯扎溴铵 B.诺氟沙星 C.苯酚 D.氧氟沙星 E.别名为石炭酸的是 我来回答: 提交