Ask an American schoolchild what he or
she is learning in school these days and you might even get a reply, provided
you ask it in Spanish, but don’t bother, here’s the answer: Americans nowadays
are not learning any of the things that we learned in our day, like reading and
writing. Apparently these are considered fusty old subjects, invented by white
males to oppress women and minorities. What are they learning In a Vermont college town I found the answer sitting in a toy store book rack, next to typical kids’ books like "Heather Has Two Mommies and Daddy is ’Disfunctional’". It’s a teacher’s guide called "Happy To Be Me", subtitled "Building Self-Esteem". Self-esteem, as it turns out, is a big subject in American classrooms. Many American schools see building it as important as teaching reading and writing. They call it "wh A. essential that self-esteem should be promoted in American schools because the author used to suffer from a lack of self-esteem as a child B. equally important to equip children with the necessary skills and knowledge they will require in the future C. important to remember how much school children used to suffer from a lack of self- esteem D. reassuring to observe that children can benefit from the promotion of a positive image [填空题]人的动力构成因素由(),(),(),()。
[单项选择]为了满足多种要求,楼层基本由三个层次组成,它们是结构层、面层和( )。
A. 防潮层 B. 抹灰层 C. 附加层 D. 顶棚层 [单选题]快速货运的标准是在网络覆盖范围内,保证从发货人到收货人运距在( )以内的运送时间不超过24小时
A.400公里 B.500公里 C.600公里 D.700公里 [名词解释]企业文化冲突
[单选题][T]A-A-003 5 2 2
低分气脱硫塔入口分液罐V8114脱液后路正确的是( )。 A.V8108 B.V8110 C.V8112 D.T8301 [单项选择]下列急性胰腺炎的手术适应证中,哪项是不正确的
A. 坏死性胰腺炎并发脓肿 B. 急性化脓性胆管炎并急性胰腺炎 C. 出血坏死性胰腺炎并腹膜炎 D. 急性水肿性胰腺炎 [填空题]
Development banks are international lending groups. They lend
money to developing countries to help fuel economic growth and social{{U}}
(36) {{/U}}. They are not part of the World Bank, the International{{U}}
(37) {{/U}}Fund or the United Nations. The money comes from member
countries and borrowing on world markets.
Development banks provide long-term loans at market{{U}} (38) {{/U}}. They provide even longer-term loans at below-market interest rates. These banks also provide technical{{U}} (39) {{/U}}and{{U}} (40) {{/U}}. There are four main ones. The oldest is the Inter-American Development Bank in Washington, D.C. It began in 1959. President Juscelino Kubitschek of Brazil had{{U}} (41) {{/U}}a bank to aid economic growth in the Americas. The{{U}} (42) {{/U}}of American States agreed. Today the bank is worth over 100,000 million dollars. It holds only 4 percent of that. The other money is{{U}} (43) {{/U}}by its [单项选择]道格拉斯窝是指()。
A. 膀胱与直肠腹膜陷凹 B. 子宫与膀胱腹膜陷凹 C. 直肠与子宫腹膜陷凹 D. 骶骨与直肠腹膜陷凹 E. 直肠旁腹膜陷凹 [单选题]一张工作票中,工作票签发人和工作许可人( )工作负责人。
A.可以兼任 B.不得兼任 C.必要时兼任 D.经批准可兼任 [判断题]配股价格区间通常以股权登记日前10或20个交易日该股二级市场价格的平均值为上限,下限为上限的一定折扣,一般为20%~30%。( )
[单选题]从1999年开始,全党在领导班子和领导干部中,以整风精神分期分批深入开展了以“三讲”为主要内容的党性党风教育。( )
A.县处级以上 B.地、市以上 C.省部以上 D.乡以上 [单项选择]“招标人没有遵照国家已经批准的投资计划或可行性分析报告编制招标文件情形下产生的施工承包合同”,应当属于()。
A. 合同有效 B. 无效合同 C. 可撤销合同 D. 合同效力待定 [多选题]加压过滤机运行过程中,当出现工作压力低时,以下哪几种方法中有益于排除故障( )。
A.更换滤布 B.更换仓外连接管路阀门 C.检查高压风机 D.检查液压系统 [单项选择]APDP(All Path Detection Protocol)最长在多长时间内检测到接口故障()。
A. 50ms B. 1-2s C. 100ms D. 50s [单选题]下列三种毒气哪一种是无色无味的? ( )
A.氯气 B. 一氧化碳 C. 二氧化硫 [单项选择]Many tourists visit Muir woods rather than other redwood forests________.
A. because it has no admission fee B. because it is near San Francisco C. because it has a good view of the coast D. because it can be seen in one hour [判断题]2.33专门查验区的视线应良好,其场地应平坦、硬实,长度、宽度和高度应能满足查验车型的实际需要。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
Sales dropping Employees leaving Customers screaming You need the Five Secrets of Small Business! To get the advantage over your competitors, you have to know something they don’t. That’s why you’re invited to the Five Secrets of Small Business! This very special conference is the work of Harvard MBA Chris Reynolds, author of best-sellers like Business Riches. Come learn five simple ways to become rich and successful. Call 905-454-9853 for more information. What is being advertised A. A best-selling book B. Harvard Business School C. A business seminar D. A competitor’s secret information [多选题]以下对于时间数列的判断,正确的有()。
A.如果所有的自相关系数都近似地等于0,表明该时间数列属于随机性时间数列 B.如果所有的自相关系数都近似地等于0,表明该时间数列属于平稳性时间数列 C.如果自相关系数r1比较大,r2,r3渐次减小,从r4开始趋近于0,表明该数列是平稳性时间数列 D.如果一个数列的自相关系数出现周期型变化,每间隔若干便有一个高峰,表明该时间数列是季节性时间数列 [多选题]避雷器出现以下哪些故障时,必须立即停电处理?()
A.上下引线接头松脱或断线。 B.瓷套管有破裂、放电现象。 C.内部有放电声。 D.雷电放电后连接引线严重烧伤或断裂、放电动作记录器损坏。 [单项选择]国际收支平衡表根据()编制,每笔经济交易同时在两方反映,原则上借贷两方恒等。
A. 复式记帐原理 B. 业务核算原理 C. 单式记帐原理 D. 统计原理 [单选题]称重传感器的称重数值乱时需要重新( )
A.标零 B.学习 C.设置 D.编程 [判断题]水垢的危害有:(1)导热性差;(2)浪费燃料;(3)影响锅炉安全运行;(4)破坏水循环;(5)缩短锅炉使用寿命;( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]单联滑轮组的钢丝绳每一分支所受的拉力为()。
A. F=Q/m B. F=Q/2m C. F=2Q/m 我来回答: 提交