Passage 3 Date: 26 Jan. 1993 From: the Kwangtung provincial bank, H. K. Corporate division-treasury Foreign exchange market: Dollar continued its weakness and dropped almost two pfennigs against mark on Monday dealing. Traders’ sentiment was changing greatly. At the beginning of this year, dollar rallied due to positive sentiment that the economy would recover in the expected fashion and German interest rate would ease soon. However, the hopes were dashed after a series worse-than-expected data were released and reluctance to cut rate by German Bundesbank. It seemed that the present us-German interest rate differential would be unlikely to narrow. On Monday trading, technical factor drove dollar further lower and it was quoted as low as 1.57 marks. Some dealers were quite bearish towards dollar, [多选题]属于员工防火“三懂”的是( )。
A.懂得报火警 B.懂本岗位产生火灾的危险性 C.懂本岗位预防火灾的措施 D.懂逃离火场的方法 E.懂本岗位扑救火灾的方法 [判断题]学校体育的本质功能是育人,具体又有教育功能、健身功能和娱乐功能三个方面。 ( )
[单选题]三相桥式整流电路中,每个二极管导通的时间是()周期。( )
A.1个 B.1/2个 C.1/3个 D.1/4个 [单项选择]X线钡餐检查显示“皮革胃”,多见于( )
A. 浅表性胃炎 B. 萎缩性胃炎 C. 肿块型胃癌 D. 溃疡型胃癌 E. 浸润型胃癌 [单项选择]触电救护的有关说法不正确的是()。
A. 首先使触电者尽快脱离电源; B. 及时抢救非常重要; C. 抢救要送到医院进行; D. 抢救一定要就地进行 [单项选择]柴油机产生过热的根本原因()
A. 冷却系统或润滑系散热能力低 B. 柴油机工作产生的热量超过了的正常散热能力 C. A和B都是 D. A和B都不是 [判断题]对伪造单证、逃避检验检疫、弄虚作假的出口种苗注册登记企业,取消其注册登记资格,并按有关规定予以处罚。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]BD012 盘式温度计的毛细管可长达( )m。
A.60 B.10 C.40 D.20 我来回答: 提交