Nowadays, something has gone terribly
wrong with our once-proud American way of life. It has happened in the area of
{{U}} 62 {{/U}} A key ingredient is being {{U}} 63 {{/U}}, and I
think I know what it is: accountability. Accountability isn’t hard to
{{U}} 64 {{/U}}. It means that every person is responsible {{U}} 65
{{/U}} his or her actions and {{U}} 66 {{/U}} for their consequences.
Of the many values that hold civilization {{U}} 67 {{/U}}—honesty,
kindness, generosity, decency— accountability may be the most important of
all,{{U}} 68 {{/U}} it, there can be no respect, no trust, no law— and
{{U}} 69 {{/U}}, no society. My job {{U}} 70 {{/U}} a police officer is to impose accountability {{U}} 71 {{/U}} people who refuse, or have never learned. But as every cop knows, external controls on people’s {{U}} 72 {{/U}} are far les A. fundamentally B. preliminarily C. ultimately D. particularly [单项选择]对城乡规划实施进行( ),是修改城乡规划的前置条件。
A. 规划评估 B. 前期评估 C. 定期评估 D. 后期评估 [简答题]某城市跨线立交桥工程,桥梁全长782.4m,共计26 跨,桥梁下部结构有240 根Ф1.2m 的钻孔灌注桩,采用反循环钻机成孔。项目部针对钻孔桩数量多,经招标程序将钻孔作业分项工程分包给B 机械施工公司,由该公司负责组织钻孔机械进行钻孔作业。施工过程中现场发生如下事件。
事件一:因地下管线改移困难,经设计单位现场决定8、9、10 轴原桩位移动并增加钻孔桩数量,立即办理了洽商变更手续。项目部及时复印后,直接交给测量员和负责本段施工的工长。
事件三:B 公司液压吊车起吊钢筋笼时,因钢筋笼的U 型吊环与主筋焊接不牢,起吊过程中钢筋笼倾倒,作业人员及时避开,但将泥浆搅拌棚砸坏。项目经理组织人员清理现场,并开展事故调查分析,对分包方进行罚款处理,调查报告完成后,经项目经理签字,上报了企业安全部门。
事件四:受钻孔机械故障影响,项目部要求B 公司增加钻孔机械,以保障钻孔作业计划进度。因B 公司钻机在其他工地,需等1 周后才能运到现场,等到该桥全部钻孔桩完成时已拖延工期15d。
[单项选择]A small robot sent to solve one of history’’s mysteries only succeeded in presenting scientists and TV viewers with yet another mystery yesterday. With its (47) peering through a hole in a small sealed door in Egypt’’s Great Pyramid to see what was beyond, it (48) yet another door. "It’’s another sealed door. This is very important," said an (49) Zahi Hawass, director of Egypt’’s Supreme Council of Antiquities. The robot took two hours to (50) along a narrow shaft, drill through a door, then push through its camera. Dr Harass said the (51) job for researchers was to study the video tape and plan for further inspections, which could take up to 12 months. His council, engineers from the Boston firm iRobot and researchers from National Geographic, had spent a year (52) planning yesterday’’s event. American TV stations went (53) showing the robot creeping along the 20-centimetre-square 60-metre-long shaft. As the robot inched along the (54) surfaced shaft
[单选题]Some people would like to do shopping on Sundays since they expect to pick up wonderfularticles in the market.
A.batteries C.baskets D.barrels [单选题]线路位置称号指上线、中线或下线和( )的左线或右线。
A.面向送电侧 B.面向受电侧 C.面向线路杆塔号增加方向 D.面向线路杆塔号减小方向 [单项选择]由于旅行社的产品具有较大的替代性和需求弹性,旅行社产品价格的涨落和质量的升降都可能造成旅游客源和经营效果的大起大落,旅行社的这一特点是()。
A. 波动性 B. 关联性 C. 敏感性 D. 服务性 [单选题] 工会发现企业违章指挥、 强令女职工冒险作业, 或者生产过程中发现明显重大事故隐患和职业危害,( ) 提出解决的建议, 企业应当及时研究答复。
A.、 必须 B. 有权 C. 不能 D. 无权 [单选题]下列哪项不需要手的消毒?( )
A.进入和离开隔离病房 B.接触特殊感染病原体后 C.脱无菌手套 D.接触病人血液后 E.接触病人体液后 [单选题]《关于公布时速160 公里动力集中电动车组席位号及车型车号等标识方案的通知》(机辆技术函〔2018〕147 号)拖车及控制车一等座车(带司机室)车种代码为()。
A.ZY B.ZE C.WY D.KZ 我来回答: 提交