The genes that help determine a
person’s individual characteristics—from the color of his eyes to the score he
makes on an IQ test—are located on chromosomes within the cells of his body.
Half of a person’s chromosomes come from his father, half from his mother. Many
diseases are the result of a single defective gene on one of the chromosomes.
Achondroplastic dwarfism, for example, is caused by a dominant gene and any
child who inherits it will have the disease. A genetic counselor confronted by a
parent with such a disease could warn that half of his children risk the
disease. More often, genetic diseases are caused by recessive genes. The most
common is cystic fibrosis, a disorder that affects at least one in every 1600
babies and causes their lungs and other body organs to become congested with
mucus. Some diseases, such as the b A. Genes and Diseases B. Genes and One’s Characteristics C. Genetic Defects and the Family Tree D. Dominant and Recessive Genes [多项选择]Photoshop中下面对于Alpha通道描述正确的是哪几项。
A. 使用“选择-存储选区”命令保存一个选区后,则可以创建一个Alpha通道 B. Alpha通道的作用之一是将选区保存成为8位灰度图像 C. 通过选择一个相关命令,可以将Alpha通道直接转换成为图层 D. 专色通道的本质是一种Alpha通道 [单选题]探放老空积水最小超前水平钻距不得小于( )m,止水套管长度不得小于10m。
A.10 B.30 C.40 [多选题]下列属于磁路基本定律有( )。
A.欧姆定律 B.基尓霍夫定律 C.叠加定律 D.楞次定律 [多项选择]工程咨询系统分析法中,系统评价是根据明确的( ),用有效的标准测定出系统的性质和状态,然后与一定的评价准则相比较并做出判断。
A. 系统概念模 B. 系统的决策 C. 系统目标 D. 系统结构 E. 系统的属性 [简答题]
7PS6KV母线系统接地有以下现象,对其进行原因分析,并处理? [单选题]中心锚结绳弛度应等于或略高于该处承力索弛度,承力索中心锚结绳在其垂直投影与线路钢轨交叉处,应高于接触线( )mm以上
A.150 B.200 C.250 D.300 [单选题]单选题(1分)
近代中国第一个资产阶级革命团体是 A.兴中会 B.光复会 C.同盟会 D.华兴会 我来回答: 提交