上述表现主要是因为下列何种神经受到激动() The recent boom in technological
advances, formation of new businesses, and personal (1) is
the third, and most dramatic, such wave (2) by the computer
industry in the last twenty-five years. The first wave (3)
tangible products—"hardware," as (4) the computer programs
that (5) software. In the 1960s and 1970s companies in the
Santa Clara Valley, between San Jose and San Francisco, produced silicon memory
chips for computers— (6) the name Silicon Valley.
Then they produced silicon logic chips, (7) direct a
computer’s operation. Then many produced computers (8)
. The great (9) from the hardware era include those of the Hewlett and Packard families, of Hewlett-Packard, which started (10) money in the presilicon era, with scientific instruments. The A. constitute B. consist of C. include D. lead to [多选题]根据《铁路旅客运输规程》,下列情况不发售学生票()。
A.学生往返于学校与实习地点时 B.学生证未按时办理学校注册的 C.学生证优惠乘车区间更改但未加盖学校公章的 D.没有“学生火车票优惠卡”的 [判断题]如果井下机电设备硐室深度不超过6M,入口宽度不小于1.5M且有少量瓦斯涌出时,可采用扩散通风
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]女,67岁,肺心病20年。两周来咳嗽、咳痰。今晨呼吸困难加重,烦躁不安,神志恍惚。体温37.4℃,P110次/分,R36次/分、节律不整,口唇发绀,肺底闻及细湿啰音,心(-),腹(-),血压正常。患者可能出现的并发症是()
A. 呼吸衰竭 B. 上消化道出血 C. 急性脑出血 D. 肾衰竭 E. 急性心力衰竭 [多选题]什么情况下采用大双边供电方式?以及怎么实现?( )
A.某一跟随所故障退出运行 B.某一变电所故障退出运行 C.需要闭合故障变电所处接触网上电气分段的越区供电开关 D.需要闭合故障变电所处上网的越区断路器 [填空题]消防救援人员被记过、记大过、降级、撤职的,不得晋升()。
A.在心理上是相互排斥关系 B.在地位上是上下级关系 C.在人格上是民主平等关系 D.在道德上互相促进关系 [单项选择]哪一项不是髓母细胞瘤的CT表现()
A. 梗阻性脑积水 B. 肿瘤明显强化 C. 瘤周水肿 D. 脂肪密度 E. 主要发生于小脑蚓部 [单选题] 经阴道分娩时,为预防产后出血,静注麦角新碱应在
A.胎盘娩出时 B.胎头已着冠时 C.胎头娩出时 D.胎肩娩出时 E.胎头拨露阴唇后联合紧张时 [多选题]动环上显示电池内阻过大原因( )。
A.电池老化 B.电池与检测模块模块的连接电阻过大 C.监控模块有问题 D.都不是 我来回答: 提交