Computers are now being pushed into
schools. We know that multimedia will make{{U}} (21) {{/U}}easy and fun.
Children will happily learn from{{U}} (22) {{/U}}characters while taught
by expertly{{U}} (23) {{/U}} software. Who needs teachers when you’ve
got{{U}} (24) {{/U}}education These expensive toys are difficult to use
in the classrooms and{{U}} (25) {{/U}}extensive teacher training. Sure,
kids love video games {{U}} (26) {{/U}}think of your own experience: can
you{{U}} (27) {{/U}}even one educational filmstrip of many years ago
I’ll{{U}} (28) {{/U}}you remember the two or three great teachers who
made a{{U}} (29) {{/U}}in your life. Then there’s cyberbusiness. We’re promised{{U}} (30) {{/U}}catalog shopping -- just point and click for great deals. We’ll order airline tickets{{U}} (31) {{/U}}the network, book resta A. but B. just C. and D. therefore [判断题]未经航道管理部门批准擅自兴建的设施应予以拆除。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]一个工作负责人可以同时执行多张信息工作任务单
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]2.190. 第190题
杆上安装横担的注意事项有( )。 A.安全带不宜拴得过长,也不宜过短 B.横担吊上后,应将传递绳整理利落,一般将另一端放在吊横担时身体的另一侧,随横担在一侧上升,传递绳 在另一侧下降 C.不用的工具切记不要随意搁在横担上或杆顶上,以防不慎掉下伤人,应随时放在工具袋内 D.地面人员应随时注意杆上人员操作,除必须外,其它人员应远离作业区下方,以免杆上作业人员掉东西砸 伤地面人员 [单项选择]用以衡量公司偿付借款利息能力的指标是:()。
A. 利息支付倍数 B. 流动比率 C. 速动比率 D. 应收账款周转率 [填空题] 在爆破区域内放置和使用爆炸物品的地点,( )米以 内 严 禁 烟火, ( )米以内严禁非工作人员进入。
A.A:CAN B.B:LAN C.C:SAN D.D:VAN 我来回答: 提交