For this part, you are required to write a
composition on the topic Foods are overwhelmingly the most
advertised group of all consumer products in the United States. Food
products lead in expenditures for network and spot television advertisements,
discount coupons, trading stamps, contests, and other forms of premium
advertising. In other media- newspapers, magazines, newspaper supplements,
billboards, and radio- food advertising expenditures rank near the top. Food
manufacturers spend more on advertising than any other manufacturing group, and
the nation’s grocery stores rank first among all retailers. Throughout the 1970s, highly processed foods have accounted for the bulk of total advertising. Almost all coupons, electronic advertising, national printed media advertising, consumer premiums ( other than trading stamps) as well as most push p A. are greater for restaurants than for at-home foods B. should be discounted by the benefits of advertising to the consumer C. are much higher in the United States than anywhere else in the world D. for prepared foods are considerably higher than for natural foods for all media [判断题]沉井基础底面标高应根据冲刷深度和地质情况等因素确定。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]同住一个小区的三位同事早上7:30分同时出门上班,甲自驾车,乙乘坐公交车,丙骑自行车。如果他们的路程相同,甲8:00到达单位,乙8:30到达单位,丙8:15到达单位,则他们的平均速度比是()。
A. 4:6:5 B. 15:10:12 C. 12:8:9 D. 6:3:4 [多选题]人民银行3号令中所称假币是指()。
A. 变造币 B. 伪造币 C. 仿造币 D. 拼凑币 [单选题]由负序电压元件与低电压元件组成的复合电压元件构成复合电压闭锁过流保护,其动作条件是( )。
A.复合电压元件不动,过流元件动作,并启动出口继电器 B.低电压元件或负序电压元件动作,同时电流元件动作,保护才启动出口继电器 C.当相间电压降低或出现负序电压时,电流元件才动作 D.以上都不正确 [多项选择]股市变动的宏观因素分析中包括以下哪几个方面?()
A. 经济周期对股市的影响 B. 通货膨胀和物价变动对股市的影响 C. 政治因素对股市的影响 D. 政策对股市的影响 E. 利率和汇率变动对股市的影响 [单选题]配电设备的防误操作闭锁装置不得随意退出运行,停用防误操作闭锁装置应经( )批准。
A. A.工区领导 B.B.工作负责人 D.D.工区 [单选题]45
赤霉素对不定根的形成具有( )。 A.抑制作用 B.促进作用 C.既抑制又促进 D.无任何作用 [多选题]对脱苯催化剂描述正确的是( )。
A.在较低温度下,有高选择性、低转化率 B.在较低温度下,有高转化率、低选择性 C.在较高温度下,有高转化率、低选择性 D.在较高温度下,有高选择性、低转化 [判断题]锅炉原煤仓空气炮放炮原则是由上向下。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Just as there are occupations that require college or even higher degrees, ______ occupations for which technical training is necessary.
A. so too there are B. so also there are C. so there are too D. so too are there [单项选择]LAN是下面哪项的缩写,
A. 微机 B. 局域网 C. 广域网 D. 无线网 [简答题]事故四不放过原则是?
[单项选择]生产经营单位实行的安全生产奖惩制度,遵循安全生产管理理论中( )。
A. 系统原理的动态相关原则 B. 人本原理的激励原则 C. 系统原理的反馈原则 D. 预防原理的3E原则 我来回答: 提交