Rewards and punishments are used in
different ways by different communities to maintain social order and preserve
cultural values. In all cultures, parents must teach their children to avoid
danger and to observe the community’s moral precepts. Adults also condition each
other’s observance of social norms, using methods ranging from mild forms of
censure, such as looking away when someone makes an inappropriate remark, to
imprisoning or executing individuals for behavior considered deviant or
dangerous. The caning of American teenager Michael Fay in Singapore for
vandalism in 1994 brought wide media attention to cultural differences in the
application of punishment. Faced with increasing violence at home, many
Americans endorsed Singapore’s use of corporal punishment to maintain social
order. Was Fay’s punis A. Many Americans were opposed to the corporal punishment that Michael Fay received in Singapore. B. The American media did not pay any attention to cultural differences until 1994. C. The caning was effective because Michael Fay subsequently refrained from vandalism. D. Michael Fay left Singapore immediately after the caning punishment. [单选题]基本建设贷款是指用于基础设施、市政工程、服务设施和( )为主的新建或扩建工程等基本建设项目贷款。
A.固定资产 B.项目融资 C.扩大再生产 D.以扩大生产能力或工程效益 [多选题]同一层级法律文件在同一问题上有不同规定时,在法律适用上应为( )
A.上位法优于下位法 B.成文法优于判例法 C.单行法优于综合法 D.特殊法优于普通法 E.普通法优于特殊法 [单项选择]切口感染常发生于手术后
A. 1~2天 B. 3~5天 C. 6~7天 D. 8~9天 E. 10~14天 [单选题] 设备投运时,供电局配电运维单位需协同( )开展一次遥控操作,遥控无误后方可纳入调度端遥控操作范围。
A. 调度值班员 B. 自动化值班员 C. 通信值班员 D. 施工单位 [简答题]如何建立康复训练与服务训练服务网络?
[单选题]为了杜绝违章行为,切实做到“反违章人人有责” ,在反习惯性违章活动中,每个职工 都应做到:明确活动的目的和意义,自觉加入到反违章行列中,重新学习安全规程,( ) 典型 事例中吸取经验教训,提高自己的安全意识和防护能力。
A.从正面 B.从反面 C.从正反两面 [单选题]带电检测110kV绝缘子串(7片成串)时,当发现同一串中的零值绝缘子片数达到( )片时,应立即停止检测。
A.A4.0 B.B2.0 C.C3.0 D.D5.0 [简答题]简述保险公司的经营限制。
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