Along with the grand view of the Great Wall, travelers to Peking shouldn’t miss trying the Peking Roasted Duck. To enjoy the famous duck, the restaurant Quan Ju De is the best choice for you. It has multiple outlets in Peking (Beijing). The old restaurant first opened in 1860. The duck here is said to be the best in Peking, and the service is very good as well.
Before you take up the menu, you might want to know more about how Peking Roasted Duck is made and how it is served. The ducks are raised for the sole purpose of making the food. Force-fed, they are kept in cages which restrain them from moving about, so as to fatten them up and make the meat comparably tender. Peking Roasted Duck is processed in several steps: first the ducks are rubbed with spices, salt and sugar, and then kept hung in the air for some time. Then the ducks are roasted in an oven, or hung over the fire till they become brown with rich grease perspiring outside and have a nice odor.
Revenge is one of those things that
everyone enjoys. People don’t like to talk about it, though. Just the same,
there is nothing more satisfying or more rewarding than revenge. The purpose is
not to harm your victims but to let them know that you are upset about something
that they: are doing to you. Careful plotting can provide you with relief from
bothersome coworkers, gossiping friends, or nagging family members. Coworkers who make comments about the fact that you are always fifteen minutes late for work can be taken care of very simply. All you have to do is get up extra early one day. Before the sun comes up, drive to each coworker’s house. Reach under the hood of your coworker’s car and disconnect the center wire that leads to the distributor cap, the car will be unharmed, but it will not start, and your friend A. The girl received a phony message. B. The victim was invited by the girl. C. The girl managed to revenge the victim harmlessly. D. The girl wasn’t expecting the victim. [单选题] 一切执法行为都必须严格遵守( )
A. 领导批示 B. 文件规定 C. 法学理论 D. 法律规定 [单选题] 遇( )或夜间无照明时,禁止手推调车。
A. 影响装卸车 B. 暴风雨雪 C. 故障 D. 挤岔 [填空题]非空调旅客列车编组中,硬卧车每()辆中编挂1辆茶炉车。
[多选题]普惠金融隐形卡具有哪些特点?( )
A.无需领用实物卡片 B.减少客户制领卡等待时间 C.满足客户“急”用信的需求 D.降低制卡成本 E.审批后最快当天可用 [单选题]安全阀的回座压力一般低于()压力。
A.启座; B.工作; C.实际。 [多选题]情报信息工作的搜集、( )处置、反馈等环节相辅相成、环环相扣。
A.报送 B.研判 C.指令 D.签收 题型:多选题 [单项选择]硫喷妥钠“超短效作用时间”的机制是()
A. 药物迅速从脑内转出到肌肉 B. 药物迅速从脑内分布到脂肪 C. 药物迅速从脑内转移到内脏 D. 药物体内迅速破坏 E. 药物体内迅速排泄 [不定项选择题]A.发绀
A.呼吸困难 B.两者均有 C.两者均无 D.贫血Hb<50g/L [单选题]在室内或露天进行电焊工作时应在周围设(),防止弧光伤害周围人员的眼睛。
A.警示标识 B.公示牌 C.挡光屏 [单选题]手信号显示:昼间——左臂向左下方,右臂向右下方各斜伸45度角;夜间——白色灯光作圆形转动后,再左右摇动是( )道信号。
A.二 B.四 C.六 D.八 [单项选择]患儿女,6岁,16kg。因右肾挫裂伤5天,保守治疗后发热伴尿少2天,全麻下行右肾切除术后即出现氧饱和度降低。查体:BP120/80mmHg,HR140次/分,机械通气FiO20.8,SpO290%。唇稍发绀,心音强,P亢进,双肺呼吸音粗,双下肺少许湿啰音,体温38.7℃。低氧血症的原因可能为()
A. 感染性休克 B. 急性心包压塞 C. 急性呼吸窘迫综合征 D. 呼吸道梗阻 E. 急性肺水肿 F. 脓毒症 [多选题]下列内容不属于犯罪中止的情况有( )。
A.盗窃他人财物之后,又返还该财物的 B.犯罪分子自以为能将犯罪进行到底而自动停止犯罪,但客观上该犯罪不可能进行到底 C.犯罪分子认为条件不适合而停止犯罪 D.客观上有可能将犯罪进行到底,而犯罪分子误以为不能进行到底而被迫中断犯罪 [单选题]运维分析分为综合分析和(),主要是针对设备运行、操作和异常情况及运维人员规章制度执行情况进行分析,找出薄弱环节,制订防范措施,提高运维工作质量和运维管理水平。
A.重点分析 B.专项分析 C.专题分析 D.事故分析 E./ F./ G./ H./ [判断题]调车机车前后端两侧应具有防滑脚踏板。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]测量绝缘电阻时,影响准确性的因素有( )。
A.温度、湿度、绝缘表面的脏污程度 B.温度、绝缘表面的脏污程度 C.湿度、绝缘表面的脏污程度 D.温度、湿度 [填空题]How many of us would temp for three years while we waited for the perfect job Not many of us, perhaps. But Wentworth Miller, the "Prison Break" star, said he chose to wait even longer time (1) he found the right job.
"Actually I think it might have been three or four years until I was lucky enough to get guest (2) on TV shows," said Miller, 34, who rose to international stardom (3) to "Prison Break" in 2006. That kind of patience and strong will was portrayed in "Prison Break". Miller (4) engineering wizard Michael Scofield, who tries everything to break out of a Chicago (5) with his brother. Miller said he was fond of his character, (6) he said "exists in shades of grey". Miller comes from a (7) of teachers. He said he didn’t seem fated for a career in the arts, (8) his passion for acting. After (9) from Princeton with an English degree, he moved (10) his parents’ request to Los An [多选题]建筑施工企业开展的教育培训类型主要有()。
A.年度安全教育培训 B.新工人三级安全教育培训 C.作业人员转场、转岗和复岗安全教育培训 D.节假日安全教育培训 E.季节性安全教育培训 [判断题]被称为“扬州八怪”的八位画家分别是李鱓、汪士慎、金农、黄慎、李方膺、郑燮、高翔和罗聘八人。
[单选题] 智能交费电力客户根据协议约定,当可用余额(____)预警值时,应通知电力客户及时交费。
A. 高于 B. 低于 C. 大于 D. 小于 我来回答: 提交