Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following job interview. You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 11 to 13.
M: Come in, Mrs Johnson. Won’t you sit down I’m Tom Clark, personnel manager of the organization.
W: How do you do, Mr Clark I’m very glad to meet you.
M: We’ve been hearing some fine things about you, Mrs Johnson. You’ve been doing some fine work in Wisconsin. I’ve read your records, and you certainly have had excellent experience. If you don’t mind, I’d like to know a little about why you want to change your position.
W: Well, there’re several reasons. The main one is that there is no chance for advancement where I am. The company I’m working for is quite small, as you know. In the last couple of years the work has become rather dull. I feel that your larger company can offer me more of a challenge in research. I’ve read about a lot of exciting new plans you’re mak
A. Her present standard and previous experience.
B. Her reasons for wanting to move to California.
C. Her previous experience and number of children.
D. Her family background and academic qualifications.
省市名 | 国内 生产总值 (亿元) | 人均国内 生产总值 (元) | 出口总值(亿美元) | 进口总值 (亿美元) | 全社会 固定资产 投资总额 (亿元) | 社会 消费品 零售总额(亿元) | 城镇居民 人均可支 配收入 (元) | 农村居民 人均 纯收入 (元) |
A. 4; B. 12; C. 14; D. 29。 [单选题]倒闸操作对隔离开关进行手动拉闸时,应按( )的过程进行。
A.慢-快-慢 B.快-慢-快 C.慢-慢-快 D.快-快-慢 [判断题]建设用地使用权未确定或权属纠纷未解决的,由实际使用人缴纳城镇土地使用税。()
[判断题]【远航学校】建设单位未依法提交建设项目环境影响评价文件或者环境影响评价文件未经批准,擅 自开工建设的,由负有环境保护监督管理职责的部门责令停止建设,处以罚款,并可以责令恢复原状。
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]斜长石
[单选题]关门车不得挂于机车后部( )辆车之内;在列车中连续连挂不得超过两辆;列车最后( )辆不得为关门车;列车最后第二、第三辆不得连续关门。
A.4,1 B.3,2 C.1,1 D.3,1 我来回答: 提交