In recent years a new farming
revolution has begun, one that involves the (61) of life at
a fundamental level--the gene. The study of genetics has (62)
a new industry called biotechnology. As the name suggests, It
(63) biology and modern technology through such techniques
as genetic engineering. Some of the new biotech companies specialize in
agriculture and are working feverishly to (64) seeds that
give a high yield, that (65) diseases, drought and frost,
and that reduce the need for (66) chemicals. If such goals
could be achieved, it would be most (67) . But some have
raised concerns about genetically engineered crops. In nature, genetic diversity is created within certain (68) . A rose can be crossed with a different kind of rose, but a rose will never cross with a potato. Genet A. in an attempt B. in no case C. to the point D. with regard [多选题]临近带电部分作业时,作业人员的正常活动范围与带电设备的安全距离描述正确的有()。
A.35kV:1.00m B.110kV:1.50m C.220kV:2.5m D.500kV:5.00m [判断题]地震、台风、洪水、泥石流等灾害发生后,如需要对设备进行巡视时,应制定必要的安全措施,得到设备运维管理单位批准,可单人巡视,但巡视人员应与派出部门之间保持通信联络。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]钢锯有粗齿和细齿之分,锯条规格有( )三种。
A.A.200mm B.B.250mm C.C.300mm D.D.350mm [单选题]与食品冷藏链品质保证无关的设备是( )。
A.冷却设备 B.冷库 C.收割设备 D.食品检测仪器 [单选题]在最小载荷最大坡度上向上运行时,制动减速度不大于( )m/s²。
A.4 B.5 C.6 [单项选择]某市通过对连续五年的交通事故统计发现,在一年当中的有雨雪恶劣天气的日子里,骑车人的交通事故比平日里低36%,这说明在恶劣天气的日子里该市的骑车人反而不容易出交通事故。
得出这一结论的前提条件是( ) A. 在其他的城市里用同样的方法统计,得到的结果却相反 B. 在恶劣天气的日子里,司机一般都放慢速度,小心驾驶 C. 国际上对交通事故的统计研究通常需要收集8~10年的数据资料 D. 在恶劣天气的日子里,与平日相比,骑自行车出行的人数没什么变化 [单项选择]Not a few of Jane Austen’s personal acquain-
tances might have echoed Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges, who noticed that "she was fair and Line handsome, slight and elegant, but with cheeks a (5) little too full," while "never suspect[ing] she was an authoress." For this novelist whose personal obscurity was more complete than that of any other famous writer was always quick to insist either on complete anonymity or on the propriety (10) of her limited craft, her delight in delineating just "3 or 4 Families in a Country Village." With her self-deprecatory remarks about her inability to join "strong manly, spirited sketches, full of Variety and Glow" with her "little bit (two Inches (15) wide) of Ivory," Jane Austen perpetuated the belief among her friends that her art was just an accomplishment "by a lady," if anything "rather A. she had a limited degree of experience of fiction B. her imagination was incapable of creating other worlds C. women in her time were prohibited from writing about significant topics D. she wanted to create a safe niche for the exercise of her talents E. (E) she did not wish to be acknowledged as an author [判断题]氧化剂应储存于清洁、阴凉、通风、干燥的厂房内。远离火种、热源,照明设备可以用非防爆的。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]沃家影视是中国联通推出的IPTV视频增值服务,为用户提供24小时TV端在线视频直播服务。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在一切电话中断时向封锁区间发出抢修列车的行车凭证为()。
A.调度命令 B.出站信号机显示的允许运行的信号 C.车站值班员的命令 D.红色许可证(《技规》附件3) [判断题]静态检查建筑接近限界时,接触网可以不停电。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]It was snowing whole night through. When I got up, I 76.______
found that the road was covered with snow. Everything 77.______ around ourselves was white. There were a lot of bikes. 78.______ Suddenly I saw a girl fell from the bicycle. She tried to 79.______ get up but fail. She had no choice but to lie on the 80.______ snow. I ran up to help her with hesitation (犹豫). 81.______ Her left leg broken and she couldn’ t stand up at all. 82.______ I called for a taxi. The taxi driver took her to the 83.______ near hospital. I went with her. At the hospital she 84.______ was well taken care. And I felt as if I had grown up. 85.______ [多选题]( )是企业青字号工程 ( )
A.青年文明号 B.青年“五小”成果 C.青年岗位能手 D.青年安全生产示范岗 [单选题]8岁男孩,右小腿轻微外伤后发热5天,右小腿上端肿胀,剧痛,局部皮温高,肤色正常,白细胞计数25X109/L,X线片未见明显变化,局部穿刺,针达骨膜下时抽出黄色脓液,首先应考虑为
A.急性蜂窝织炎 B.化脓性膝关节炎 C.化脓性骨髓炎 D.滑囊炎感染 E.胫骨上端单纯骨型结核转变为膝关节全关节结核 [多选题]《建设工程安全生产管理条例》的规定,建设单位有()行为之一的,责令限期改正,处20万元以上50万元以下的罚款。
A.对勘察、设计、施工、工程监理等单位提出不符合安全生产法律、法规和强制性标准规定的要求的 B.要求施工单位压缩合同约定的工期的 C.未按照法律、法规和工程建设强制性标准进行勘察、设计的 D.将拆除工程发包给不具有相应资质等级的施工单位的 E.未依照法律、法规和工程建设强制性标准实施监理的 F.略 [单项选择]扁桃体隐窝表面的上皮是()
A. 腺上皮 B. 鳞状上皮 C. 纤毛柱状上皮 D. 移行上皮 E. 假复层纤毛柱状上皮 [单选题]列车最高运行速度160km/h时,紧急制动距离限值是( )m。
A.300 B.800 C.1400 D.2000 [判断题]使用洗消帐篷进行洗消时,必须调节好水温;使用水枪进行洗消时,应当防止水流冲击伤人。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]国防是指国家为防备和抵抗侵略,制止武装颠覆,保卫国家主权统一、领土完整和安全所进行的军事及军事有关的政治、经济、外交、科技、教育等方面活动。国防的基本要素包括( ) 。
A. 国防的性质 B.国防的对象 C.国防的目的 D.国防的手段 [单选题] 按照《安全生产法》的规定,( )应当加强安全生产基础设施建设和安全生产监管能力建设,所需经费列入本级预算。(1.0分)
A. 县级以上地方各级人民政府 B. 各级人民政府 C. 县级安全生产委员会办公室 D. 县级以上应急管理部门 [多选题]落实战备工作主要是( )等。
A.抓好战备教育 B.落实战备制度 C.完善战备方案 D.搞好战备演练 [判断题]惯性分类是精确制导技术中遥控制导的一个分类。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]徒手攀登消防梯时,操作规程()。(易)
A.双手不得同时离梯 B.保护人员可有可无 C.梯子未锁牢挂稳前,严禁攀登 D.二楼以上登高时,必须使用安全绳保护 我来回答: 提交