Divorce doesn’t necessarily make adults
happy. But toughing it out in an unhappy marriage until it turns around just
might, a new study says. The research identified happy and unhappy spouses, culled from a national database. Of the unhappy partners who divorced, about half were happy five years later. But unhappy spouses who stuck it out often did better. About two-thirds were happy five years later. Study results contradict what seems to be common sense, says David Blankenhorn of the Institute for American Values, a think-tank on the family. The institute helped sponsor the research team based at the University of Chicago. Findings will be presented in Arlington, Va. , at the "Smart Marriage" conference, sponsored by the Coalition for Marriage, Families, and Couples Education. "In popular discussion, in scholar A. If a marriage is unhappy, if you get a divorce, it is likely you will be happier than you stayed married. B. Divorce doesn’t necessarily make adults happy. C. You can increase a sense of mastery after divorce compared with those who stayed married. D. More people who stay married feel happier than those who get divorced. [单选题]使触电人()是紧急救护的第一步
A.平躺 B.通风 C.脱离电源 D.现场就地抢救 [多选题]为更好进行具有许多新的历史特点的伟大斗争、推进党的建设新的伟大工程、推进中国特色社会主义伟大事业,经受“四大考验”、克服“四种危险”,有必要制定一部新形势下党内政治生活的准则.“四种危险”是()()()。
A.精神懈怠的危险 B.能力不足的危险 C.脱离群众的危险 D.弄虚作假的危险 [单选题]黑洞效应是指一种自我强化效应,当一个企业达到一定的规模之后,产生的强大吞噬和自我复制能力,能把它势力所及的大量资源吸引过去,使得企业更加强大,形成一个正向加速循环的漩涡。
A.沃尔玛作为国际大型连锁超市具有很强的销售能力,很多供应商想在世界上扩大销售而选择成为沃尔玛的供应商,同时随着更多供应商的加入,沃尔玛的规模更大,零售终端的影响更强 B.某百货公司通过开展促销打折活动,提高了销售业绩 C.某企业开展招聘工作,不断加入新的血液,充实和壮大了公司队伍 D.某学校积极参加市区的各项评比活动,学校的名气大大提高 [填空题]Religions of the East
A few years ago many well-known people came to the East to study the Asian reli- gions. They were curious about how the Asian people put peace, joy, happiness, even (1) ______ into their lives in terms of religious. (1) ______ It is said that Hinduism is one of the (2) ______ Asian religions. Hinduism teaches (2) ______ that men are not really happy with pleasure, success, power or fiches; what they really want is to be alive and to be (3) ______ of life as deeply as possible. Man has to over- (3) ______ come any (4) ______ in his life. (4) ______ Hinduism recognizes four ways to achieve this goal: --by (5)______ , attained by questioning and thinking. (5) ______ --through love and adoration. --through forgetting oneself. --through (6) ______ that tame both on [单选题]当系统硬件发生故障或更换硬件设备时,
A.A:通常模式 B.B:登录模式 C.C:安全模式 D.D:命令提示 模式 [简答题]石油工程建设公司的安全生产禁令是?
[单选题]使用约束带时,应注意观察( )
A.衬垫是否合适 B.体位是否舒适 C.约束部位的皮肤颜色 D.神志是否清楚 E.患者能否自由活动 [多选题]开关柜隔离开关触头拉合后的位置应便于观察各相的实际位置或机械指示位置;开关的()位置分合指示、储能指示应便于观察并明确标示。
A. 小车开关在工作位置 B. 小车开关在试验位置 C. 小车开关在检修位置 D. 小车开关在过渡位置 [单项选择]Personnel Management
Personnel management is regarded as a profession. Many observers believe that the most important and pressing problems of future industrial societies will not be solely concerned with production or technical questions, but will be people-oriented and will involve a knowledge of social and behavioral sciences and of the personnel function." (0) . The role of personnel management has, of course changed over time. Originally it was used by management to obtain and maintain an effective work force only and the emphasis was on production and economic rewards. (9). This is now only one part of the function. Later it was realized that if worker needs could be understood and met, for example, security, achievement, and job satisfaction, then the organization itself could better achieve its maximization of goals such as profits. Recently added to this has been the social (community) responsibility of the organization. (10).
Personnel management is about people. Th
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]重度急性颅内压增高患者,当开颅手术时过快地释放颅内压力,将导致
A.呼吸深快 B.心室纤颤 C.血压升高 D.心率增快 E.血压骤降 [单项选择]治疗老年人痉挛性便秘,聚乙二醇粉一次量不宜超过
A. 0.5g B. 1.0g C. 1.5g D. 2.0g E. 2.5g [单项选择]科学家计算岩石的年龄,通常根据岩石中的( )
A. 铁 B. 铜 C. 镭 D. 铅 [单项选择]根据施工合同示范文本的规定,图纸会审和设计交底应由( )组织。
A. 总监理工程师 B. 发包人 C. 承包人 D. 设计单位 [判断题]对于入户盗窃,因被发现而在户外使用暴力或者以暴力相威胁,则不能认定为人户抢劫。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]清营汤治证的表现无()
A. 身热夜甚 B. 斑疹紫黑 C. 心烦少寐 D. 时有谵语 E. 舌绛脉细数 [判断题]( )无缝线路钢轨温度力与钢轨截面积、轨温变化幅度及钢轨长度有关。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]隧道施工监控量测计划实施的关键是要解决下述 ( )几个问题。
A.获得满足精度要求和可靠的量测信息 B.正确进行预测和反馈 C.建立管理体制和相应管理基准,进行日常施工管理、量测管理等 D.选择具有丰富监测经验的人员 E.配备最先进的高精度仪器 [多选题]煤矿安全监察机构发现煤矿使用不符合国家安全标准或者行业安全标准的( )责令限期改正或者立即停止使用。
A.设备 B.器材 C.仪器 D.仪表 [单项选择]哪项不是臂丛神经阻滞常见并发症()
A. 膈神经麻痹 B. 喉返神经麻痹 C. 霍纳综合征 D. 全脊髓麻痹 E. 空气栓塞 我来回答: 提交