Research on animal intelligence always
makes us wonder just how smart humans are. (1) the fruit-fly
experiments described by Carl Zimmer in the Science Times. Fruit flies who were
taught to be smarter than the average fruit fly (2) to live
shorter lives. This suggests that (3) bulbs burn longer, that
there is a(n) (4) in not being too bright. Intelligence, it (5) , is a high-priced option. It takes more upkeep, burns more fuel and is slow (6) the starting line because it depends on learning — a(n) (7) process — instead of instinct. Plenty of other species are able to learn, and one of the things they’ve apparently learned is when to (8) . Is there an adaptive value to (9) intelligence That’s the question behind this new research. Instead of casting a wistful glance (10) A. features B. influences C. results D. costs [多选题] 现场施工完毕后应核对集中器、采集器( )等信息, 确保现场信息
与工作单一致。 A. 编号 B. 型号 C. 安装地址 D. 户号 【出处】 中国电力科学研究院,《电力营销计量专业试题汇编 采集运维》,中国电力 出版社, 2017 年 【知识点、考核点】 设备装拆调试、 公变台区采集调试 [单选题]《关于培育和践行社会主义核心价值观的意见》要求,我们培育和践行社会主义核心价值观要紧紧围绕的目标是( )。( )
A.坚持和发展中国特色社会主义 B.实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦 C.注重宣传教育、示范引领、实践养成相统一 D.注重政策保障、制度规范、法律约束相衔接 [单项选择]律师在刑事案件中有权到场陈述意见的程序有()
A. 人民检察院审查起诉程序 B. 第一审程序 C. 死刑复核程序 D. 批准逮捕程序 [多选题]公司在本行ik中的竞争地位是公司基本分析的内容之一。 ()
A.A B.B [多选题]指导幼儿便后清洁前应评估幼儿的( )(1分)
A.独立意识 B.如厕习惯 C.如厕意愿 D.心理状态 E.以上都不对 [多选题]MELSEC-Q 以太网模块支持 ( )。
A.TCP/IP 协议 B.PROFIBUS - DP 协议 C.CANopen 协议 D.PROFIBUS- FMS 协议 E.UDP/IP 协议 [名词解释]肩锁关节
A..成人男性体液总量占体重之60% B..男性多于女性 C..成人多于老年人 D..婴儿多于成人 E..肥胖者多于肌肉发达者 [单项选择]1 Indian filmmaker Satyajit Ray is still regarded by many film critics as one of the world’s great directors. Ray’s films are known for their compassion, honesty, and quiet dignity. His Apu Trilogy, three films about Bengali life, was hailed as a national epic in the 1950s. The first film, Pather Panchali, is the story of a Bengali family’s noble struggle against poverty and the heartbreaks of life. It was followed by Aparajito, in which the son of the family, Apu, grows to manhood. In the final film, The World of Apu, the young man marries, but fails at his life’s ambitions, and then, after losing his wife, he wanders across the country for several years before returning home to claim his son.
2 Satyajit Ray’s movies have never been very popular in India itself, but those who appreciate his unobtrusive technique and his compassion for his characters view his films as a poetic record of Indian life. The third film of the Apu Trilogy deals with all of the followi A. failure at a major goal B. loss of a spouse C. struggle against poverty D. going home after a long absence [多选题]接地线不得有()。
A.断股 B.断头 C.散股 D.接头 [填空题]我国现存最早的编年体历史是().
[填空题]TMS320LF240x DSP 的设计基于增强的()结构。它可以通过3组()总线访问多个存储空间。它们分别是:()地址总线(PAB)数据读地址总线(DRAB)和()写地址总线(DWAB)。其中的任意一组可访问不同的程序空间,以实现不同的器件操作.
[单选题]转入放射性同位素的单位应当于转让前向所在地省级生态环境部门提交材料, 其中不包 括:( )。
A.转入单位的辐射安全许可证复印件 B.放射性同位素转让审批表 C.放射性同位素使用期满后的处理方案 D.转让双方签订的转让协议 [单选题]现代烟草农业的方向是( )。
A.集约化 B.规模化 C.机械化 D.信息化 [单选题]迷宫式压缩机没有( )。
A.填料环、支撑环 B.支撑环、活塞环 C.活塞环、刮油环 D.刮油环、填料环 [判断题]聋人手语发展的第二个阶段是“通用手语图”阶段。
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