An enormous variety of relationships
between men and women, singly and in groups, meet the definition of marriage.
Often the forms of marriage sanctioned by a society are related to the needs of
that society. Marriage between two individuals, one male and one female, is
known as monogamy. Marriage of three or more individuals is known as
polygamy. Polygyny is a form of polygamy in which one male is married to more than one female. Polyandry is a form of polygamy in which one female is married to more than one male. Still another form of polygamy is group marriage, in which two or more males are married to two or more females. In some societies a polyandrous ma A. Since women between 13 to 45 are eager to find husbands, sometimes they have to marry married men because of the shortage of unmarried men. B. Sex ratio and money greatly influenced the probability of conducting polygamy. C. Polygamy can only be practiced by the older and wealthier men. D. Wealthy men are old men. [多选题]安全围栏设置大小应依据( )等因素综合考虑。
A.作业性质 B.作业人员活动区域 C.作业范围 D.高空坠落范围半径 [判断题]施工单位应当在施工现场入口处、施工起重机械、临时用电设施、脚手架、出入通道口、楼梯口、电梯井口、孔洞口、桥梁口、隧道口、基坑边沿、爆破物及有害危险气体和液体存放处等危险部位,设置明显的安全警示标志。安全警示标志必须符合地区和行业标准。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]专责监护人需长时间离开工作现场时,应由()变更专责监护人,履行变更手续,并告知全体被监护人员。
A.工作票签发人 B.工作许可人 C.工作负责人 D.工作票签发人与工作负责人 [多选题]绝缘手套应(),长度应超衣袖。
A.湿润 B.柔软 C.接缝少 D.紧密牢固 [填空题]把SQL语句中使用的宿主语言程序变量简称为( )。
下列四组实例中均是依据基因重组原理的一组是() A. ①② B. ①③ C. ②③ D. ②④ [单选题]须结合实际不断优化动车组运用检修项目、内容和周期。
A.铁路局集团公司 B.动车段 C.动车所 D.检修班组 [单项选择]20岁女性,浮肿、蛋白尿、尿少1个月,血肌酐进行性升高、贫血,符合以下哪种病的表现?()
A. 急性肾炎综合征 B. 肾病综合征 C. 慢性肾炎综合征 D. 急进性肾炎综合征 E. 无症状性尿异常 [单选题]熔断器的额定电流( )电动机的起动电流。
A.大于 B.等于 C.小于 [判断题]导线安装曲线即为具体表示在各种不同气象条件下应力与档距、弧垂与档距
之间的关系曲线。 A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]书法艺术性要求书家的艺术造诣要高于诗词作者的艺术造诣.
[填空题] 在接发列车时,应按《 》规定的时间,停止影响列车进路的调车作业。
[单选题]线路设备大、中修完毕后,新钢轨接头相错:直线不得超过( )。
A.50㎜ B.40mm C.30㎜ D.20㎜ [单项选择]寒疟的治法为()
A. 清热解表,和解祛邪 B. 清热解表 C. 辛温达邪 D. 辟秽除瘴,清热保津 E. 芳香化浊,辟秽理气 我来回答: 提交