At the present time, 98 percent of the
world energy consumption comes from stored sources, such as fossil fuels or
nuclear fuel. Only hydroelectric and wood energy represent completely renewable
sources on ordinary time scales. Discovery of large additional fossil fuel
reserves, solution of the nuclear safety and waste disposal problems, or the
development of controlled thermonuclear fusion will provide only a short-term
solution to the world’s energy crisis. Within about 100 years, the thermal
pollution resulting from our increased energy consumption will make solar energy
a necessity at any cost. Man’s energy consumption is currently about one part in ten thousand that of the energy we receive from the sun. However, it is growing at a 5 percent rate, of which about 2 percent represents a population growth and 3 percent a per capita energy increase. If [单项选择]房地产开发费用中的利息支出,如能按转让房地产项目分摊并提供金融机构证明,允许据实扣除,其他开发费用限额扣除的比例为( )以内。
A. 3% B. 5% C. 7% D. 10% [单项选择]心肌梗死最常见的冠状动脉闭塞是哪一支?
A. 左冠状动脉回旋支 B. 右冠状动脉 C. 左冠状动脉主干 D. 右冠状动脉加左冠状动脉回旋支 E. 左冠状动脉前降支 [多选题][中]加强基层党组织活动场所建设,积极运用( )和( ),充分发挥办公议事、开展党的活动、提供便民服务等综合功能。
A.科技手段 B.科学技术 C.现代技术 D.信息化手段 [简答题]《新疆维吾尔自治区民族团结教育条例》第三十七条对破坏民族团结如何追究责任?
[单项选择]事业单位的下列基金中,按规定从结余中提取的是( )。
A. 职工福利基金 B. 固定基金 C. 医疗基金 D. 修购基金 [判断题]判断辅警人员应遵守国家法律、法规和公安机关的各项管理制度( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]415、高层建筑火灾扑救组织指挥根据火势发展变化,及时采取( )的技战术措施,以班组为基本战斗单元,快速控制和消灭火灾。
A.A、强攻近战 B.B、上下合击 C.C、内外结合 D.D、逐层消灭 [多选题]公安派出所在日常消防监督检查中,发现存在严重威胁公共安全的火灾隐患,应当在责令改正的同时()。
A. 书面报告乡镇人民政府和消防救援机构 B. 书面报告街道办事处和消防救援机构 C. 书面报告乡镇人民政府和公安机关 D. 书面报告街道办事处和公安机关 E. 书面报告街道办事处和区(县)人民政府 我来回答: 提交