{{B}}Conversation 1{{/B}} |
Dinosaurs were reptiles which became
extinct about 65 million years ago. The most intriguing question about dinosaurs
has always been " (21) did they die out" There is no simple
answer to this question, (22) many hundreds of scientists are
studying the problem. They are not studying the extinction of the dinosaurs
(23) , but the whole question of extinction. Many other plants
and animals have (24) in the past, and it is important to
understand (25) this happened. Having this information could
help save many species that are (26) in the modern world.
Humans are causing extinctions now, because of pollution and other damage
(27) the environment. Maybe the dinosaurs can tell us how to
save the earth today, (28) their extinction 65 million years
ago! Some of the early dinosaur scientists, 100 year A. so heavy B. too heavy C. heavy enough D. heavy as [单选题]计算机技术中,下列的英文缩写和中文名字的对照中,正确的是( )。
A.CAD--计算机辅助制造 B.CAM--计算机辅助教育 C.CIMS--计算机集成制造系统 D.CAI--计算机辅助设计 [填空题]下面语句Static x(7,8)As Double定义了______个元素。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]根据《锂电池航空运输规范》(附录A),锂电池属于( )。
A.第6类 B.第9类 C.危险性标签 D.操作性标签 [单项选择]某企业原材料按实际成本进行日常核算。2005年3月1日结存甲材料150公斤,每公斤实际成本为20元;3月15日购入甲材料140公斤,每公斤实际成本为25元;3月31日发出甲材料100公斤。如分别按后进先出法和先进出法计算3月份发出甲材料的实际成本,两种方法的计算结果相比较,其差额为( )元。
A. 200 B. 250 C. 500 D. 700 [单选题]IPSEC能提供对数据包的加密,与它联合运用的技术是:( )
A.SSL B.PPTP C.L2TP D.VPN [单选题]容易发生污闪事故的天气是()
A. A.大风、大雨 B.B.雷雨 C.C.毛毛雨、大雾 D.D.晴天 [判断题]国家建立人事争议仲裁制度。人事争议仲裁委员会由公务员主管部门的代表、聘用机关的代表和聘任制公务员的代表组成。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]穆旦先后出版有诗集主要有()等。
A. 《探险队》 B. 《穆旦诗集(1939-1945)》 C. 《白色花》 D. 《旗》 [多选题]各企业要研究制定重特大事故风险管控措施,根据作业场所、()、()、()及人员能力等,认真辨识风险及危害程度,合理确定作业定员、时间等组织方案,实行分级管控,落实分级管控责任。
A.作业内容 B.任务 C.环境 D.强度 [单选题]患者,男性,65岁,因慢性肺心病住院治疗1周。动脉血气分析:pH7.32,PaO248mmHg,PaCO272mmHg,CO2CP增高。诊断应考虑为
A.代谢性酸中毒 B.呼吸性酸中毒 C.代谢性碱中毒 D.呼吸性碱中毒 E.混合型酸中毒 [简答题]
A公司2013年的财务报表于2014年4月30日批准对外报出,所得税汇算清缴也于当日完成,2014年1月1日至4月30日期间注册会计师对A公司的报表进行审计时发现以下问题。 [简答题]1006、如需在同一股道内停留两列不重联的动车组时,两列动车组间应间隔不小于 ( )的安全防护距离(动车段、动车所内的股道除外),并分别做好( )。
A. A.新技术 B.B.新工艺 C.C.新装备 D.D.新科技 [单选题]下列选项中,属于安全玻璃是( )。
A.真空玻璃 B.夹层玻璃 C.着色玻璃 D.中空玻璃 [判断题]CXT目前版本5.90已经支持测试过程中服务小区的拉线功能和5G工参导入功能
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]《小学生守则》中第一条中的三热爱具体是指什么?
[单选题]便携式防盗门破拆工具组功能特点表述正确的是( )。
A.与手动泵配合可延长使用时间。 B.不可在有爆炸危险的场所使用。 C.可以在有爆炸危险的场所使用,非常安全。 D.外形较大、不便携带, 需要加以改进 [判断题]热通过流动介质,由空间的一处传播到另一处的现象,叫热传导。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]表格式窗体同一时刻能显示______。
A. 1条记录 B. 2条记录 C. 3条记录 D. 多条记录 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Health care in the US is well known but very expensive.Paying the doctor's bill after a major illness or accident can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.
In the US,a person's company,not the government,pays for health insurance.Employers have contracts with insurance companies,which pay for all or part of employees' doctors' bills. The amount that the insurance company will pay out to a patient differs wildly.It all depends on what insurance the employer pays.The less the boss pays to the insurance company,the more the employee has to pay the hospital each time he or she gets sick.In 2004,the average worker paid an extra $558 a year,according to a San Francisco report. The system also means many Americans fall through the cracks(遭遗漏).In 2004,only 61 percent of the population received health insurance through their employers,according to the report. The unemployed,self-employed,part-time workers and graduated students with no jobs were not included. Most US university students have a gap between their last day of school and their first day on the job.Often,they are no longer protected by their parents' insurance because they are now considered independent adults.They also cannot buy university health insurance because they are no longer students. Another group that falls through the gap of the US system is international students.All are required to have health insurance and cannot begin their classes without it. But exact policies(保险单)differ from school to school. Most universities work with health insurance companies and sell their own standard plan for students.Often,buying the school plan is required,but luckily it's also cheaper than buying directly from the insurance company. All international students in the US have to buy health insurance. A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned [单选题]利用(),把价格变成整数或高价
A.A、消费者消费所产生的心理 B.B、产品成本 C.C、竞争对手价格 D.D、销售成本 [单选题]光纤配线架和( )是配线架的基本分类。
A.同轴线缆配线架 B.并行线配线架 C.大对数配线架 D.对绞线配线架 [单选题]根据芝加哥大学教授法玛对有效市场的分类,如果有关证券的历史资料对证券的价格变动没有任何影响,则证券市场达到( )。
A.零效率 B.弱型效率 C.半强型效率 D.强型效率 [单选题]行百里者半九十,意思是距离实现中华民族伟大复兴的目标越近,我们( )。 ( )
A. 可以放松 B. 越不能懈怠 C. 可以放心 D. 越有把握 [多选题]中心锚结的作用()
A.缩小事故范围,以利抢修; B.防止由于种种原因,使接触网或整个接触悬挂(全补偿)向锚段一侧滑动; C.防止由于种种原因,致使吊弦和定位器过分偏斜; D.减小接触网弛度 E.使承力索、拉触线张力基本不变 [单选题]作业人员应具备必要的(),学会紧急救护法,特别要学会触电急救。
A.理论知识 B.实践经验 C.安全生产知识 D.生产知识 [单选题]不完全液体润滑滑动轴承,验算是为了防止轴承。
A.过度磨损 B.过热产生胶合 C.产生塑性变形 D.发生疲劳点蚀 [简答题]口服中毒后,应用洗胃液的适宜温度为多少度,每次洗胃液的量控制在多少。
[单选题]管理学家西拉季认为影响组织设计的因素主要有战略、技术、组织结构以及( )。
A.目标 B.文化 C.价值观 D.环境 我来回答: 提交