The quality of patience goes a long way
toward your goal of creating a more peaceful and loving self. The more patient
you are, the more accepting you will be of what life is, rather than insisting
that life be exactly as you would like it to be. Without patience, life is
extremely frustrating. You are easily annoyed, bothered, and irritated. Patience
adds a dimension of ease and acceptance to your life. It’s essential for inner
peace. Becoming more patient involves opening your heart to the present moment,
even if you don’t like it. If you are stuck in a traffic jam, late for an
appointment, being patient would mean keeping yourself from building a mental
snowball before your thinking get out of control and gently reminding yourself
to relax. It might also be a good time to breathe as well as an opportunity to
remind yoursel A. the quality of patience is very hard to cultivate B. patience should become a school course C. you’ll get more than expected from practicing patience D. the quality of patience will lead you to success [判断题]接地线应使用专用的线夹固定在导体上,也可用缠绕的方法进行接地或短路。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]道岔尖轨尖端的轨距加宽,按不大于( )的递减率向始端基本轨接头递减
A.2‰ B.4‰ C.6‰ D.8‰ [单项选择]三、根据所给文字资料回答以下问题
A. 2007年1-5月份,我国规模以上工业企业实现利润9052亿元 B. 2008年1-5月份,外商及港澳台商投资企业利润增量是股份制企业的50% C. 2007年5月末,规模以上工业应收账款为34396亿元 D. 2008年5月末,产成品资金比去年同比增长4157亿元 [单项选择]有人认为鸡蛋黄的黄色跟鸡所吃的绿色植物性饲料有关,为了验证这个结论,下面哪种实验方法最可靠( )
A. 选择品种等级完全相同的蛋鸡,一半喂食植物性饮料,一半喂食非植物性饲料 B. 通过化验比较植物性饮料和非植物性饮料的营养成分 C. 对同一批蛋鸡逐渐增加(或减少)植物性饲料的比例 D. 选择一优良品种的蛋鸡进行实验 [填空题]
{{B}}PART ONE{{/B}} ·Look at the statements below and at the five extracts about taxes. ·Which extract(A,B,C,D or E)does each statement(1-8)refer to ·For each statement(1-8),mark one letter(A,B,C,D or E)on your Answer Sheet. ·You Will need to use some of these letters more than once. A.Flat Tax
Income tax is a direct tax which is levied on the income of private individuals.There are various income tax systems that exist.ranging frOm a flat tax to an extensive progressive tax systern. A flat tax,also cal led a proportional tax,is a system that taxes.Usual ly the flat tax is proposed to k ick in at a certain income level,or to exempt income below that level,so that the lowest-income members of society don’t need to pay income tax. Proposed flat taxes usually allow little or no exemption of earned income besides the bottom-level exemption. Advocates of a flat tax claim that it will end unfai [判断题]压缩机在吸气、压缩等过程中的不可逆损失是制冷理论循环与实际循环的差别之一。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]肺末梢组织充气过度导致
A.肺气肿 B.肺不张 C.肺水肿 D.肺脓肿 E.肺褐色硬化 [多项选择]《建筑法》中关于建筑工程发包的有关规定,下列叙述正确的有( )。
A. 建筑工程依法实行招标发包,对不适于招标发包的可以直接发包 B. 建筑工程实行招标发包的,发包单位应当将建筑工程发包给依法中标的承包单位 C. 提倡对建筑工程实行肢解发包 D. 发包单位不得指定生产厂、供应商 E. 政府及其所属部门有权限定发包单位将招标发包的建筑工程发包给指定的承包单位 [单选题]氧化锌避雷器的阀片电阻具有非线性特性,在(),其阻值很小, 相当于“导通”状态。
A.正常工作电压作用下 B.电压超过其起动值时 C 、冲击电压作用过去后 [多选题](多选题). 关于样品接收,以下做法正确的是( )
A.对已经检查合格登记的样品,要以完善、明显的标志,以防样品的错乱而引起检测事故 B.样品接收的任务仅是登记分类样品 C.实验室谁有空谁负责接收样品 D.接收人应按检测技术条件、规范、标准对样品进行鉴别验收 [判断题]旅客使用电子支付方式在车站售票窗口购买铁路电子客票后,可以通过12306.cn网站办理改签、退票手续。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]20. 确定了开发层系后,就确定了( )的井数。
A.井网 B.油田 C.区块 D.井排 我来回答: 提交