Futurists love computers. After all, 40
years ago electronic digital computers didn’t exist; today microchips (微型集成电路片)
as tiny as a baby’s fingernail are making all sorts of tasks faster and easier.
Surely the future hold still more miracles. Some of the computer experiments now going inspire imagination of the future. For example, scientists are working in devices that can electronically perform some sight and hearing functions, which could make easier for the blind and deaf. They are also working on artificial arms and legs that respond to the electric impulses (脉冲) produced by the human brain. Scientists hope that someday a person who has lost an arm could still have near-normal brain control over an artificial arm. Video games, computerized effects in movies, and real-life training machines now being used by the U. S. Arm A. Future computers can see things as human beings do B. Future computers will be designed to have hearing ability C. The life of the blind and deaf will be easier with the help of computers D. A person who has lost feeling can still have a near-normal brain provided by scientists [简答题]列车在汛期暴风雨中行车时,司机应如何处理?J339
[判断题]使用螺纹道钉改道时,应用木塞填满钉孔,钻孔后旋入道钉,严禁锤击螺纹道钉。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]安全教育学习、培训应符合要求,不得存在学习笔记( )等现象
A.过于简单 B.存在形式主义 C.走过场 D.以上均正确 [判断题]审理过程中,对主要事实不清、证据不足的,经纪检机关相关负责人批准,退回执纪审查部门重新调查;需要补充完善证据的,经纪检机关相关负责人批准,可以自行补证。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]挖掘带土球树木时,应用锐利的铁锹,土球底部直径应不大于直径的1/2。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]王某,女,23 岁,甲状腺大部切除术后 6 小时,患者突然出现进行性呼吸困难,烦躁不安,发绀,检查发现颈部肿大,切口有大量渗血。引起的原因最可能是( )
A.喉头水肿 B.气管塌陷 C.痰液阻塞 D.双侧喉返神经损伤 E.切口内血肿压迫气管 [单项选择]多发性抽动症起病多在()
A. 4~6岁 B. 2~12岁 C. 3~8岁 D. 5~7岁 E. 6~12岁 [判断题] 各部门、各单位负责全面、及时、准确收集掌握本系统、本部门、本单位重要工作动态和信息,并及时、主动向局应急办报告,做到情况准确全面、汇报迅速及时、重要信息追踪上报。(西铁办函〔2016〕389号)( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]重症溃疡性结肠炎的临床特点不包括
A.腹泻每日6次以上,脓血便 B.体温37.7℃以上,持续2天以上 C.持续剧烈的腹痛 D.脉搏>90次/分 E.短期内体重明显减轻 [单选题]在计算机语言方面,第一代计算机主要使用( ).
A.机器语言 B.高级程序设计语言 C.数据库管理系统 D.汇编语言 [单选题]、我国由于不符合相关环保要求,1995年外贸损失高达( )
A.2000 B.3000 C.1000 我来回答: 提交