In the 18th century, New York was smaller than Philadelphia and Boston. Today it is the largest city in America. How to explain the change in its size and importance
To answer this question we must consider certain facts about geography, history and economies. Together these three will explain the huge growth of America’s most famous city.
The map of the Northeast shows that four of the most heavily-populated areas in this region are around seaports. At these points materials from across the sea enter America, and the products of the land are sent there for export across the sea.
Economists know that places where transportation lines meet are good places for making raw materials into completed goods. That is why seaports often have cities nearby. But cities like New York needed more than their geographical location in order to become great industrial centers. Their development did not happen simply by chance.
About 1815, when many Americans f
A. Because the ships were little crowded on the trip back to New York.
B. Because shipping companies were eager to fill their ships with passengers on the return trip from Europe.
C. Because the shipping companies wanted to develop travelling industry in New York.
D. Because few Europeans longed to visit New York.
If we were asked exactly what we were
doing a year ago, we should probably have to say that we could not remember. But
if we had kept a book and had written on it an aceount(记录) of what we did each
day, we should be able to give an answer to the question. It is the same in history. Many things have been forgotten because we do not have any written account of them. Sometimes people did keep a record of the most important happenings in their country, but often it was destroyed by fire or in a war. Sometimes there was never written record at all because the people of that time and place did not know how to write. For example, we know a good deal about the people who lived in China 4000 years ago, because they could write and leave written records for those who lived after them. But we know almost no A. there was nothing worth Being written down at that time B. the people there don’t pay attention to the importance of keeping a record C. the written records were perhaps destroyed by a fire D. the people there did not know how to write [单项选择]班级管理目标的实现,也是教育目标的实现,所以班级管理活动必然是教育的活动,因此,()是班级管理最突出的特点。
A. 发展性 B. 教育性 C. 广泛性 D. 多样性 [单选题]B399.BD003燃气压力低报警开关安装在()处。
A.电动阀出口 B.电动阀入口 C.引燃流程 D.膨胀管 [单项选择]《中国药典》(2000年版)规定盐酸麻黄碱含量测定方法是
A. 银量法 B. 非水滴定法 C. 酸性染料比色法 D. 提取中和法 E. 紫外分光光度法 [单项选择]十二经脉的功能反应于体表的是:()
A. 十二经别 B. 十二经筋 C. 十五别络 D. 十二皮部 E. 奇经八脉 [判断题]革命理想高于天。思想建设是党的根本性建设。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列选项中,与随机性效应无关的是( )
A.辐射效应严重程度 B.致癌效应 C.辐射效应发生概率 D.遗传效应 [简答题]在企业价值评估中如何处理“开办费”
A.危险品检查仪、安全门、危险品处置台、手持金属探测器、防爆罐 B.危险品检查仪、安全门、危险品处置台、手持金属探测器 C.危险品检查仪、安全门、手持金属探测器 D.危险品检查仪、安全门 [判断题]消防救援人员之间,下级对上级,可以称职务或者职务加同志。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]我某出口企业以CIF纽约条件与美国某公司订立了200套家具的出口合同。合同规定2000年12月交货。11月底,我企业出口商品仓库因雷击发生火灾,致使一半以上的出口家具被烧毁。我企业遂以发生不可抗力为由,要求免除交货责任,美方不同意,坚持要求我方按时交货。我方经多方努力,于2001年1月初交货,而美方则以我方延期交货为由提出索赔。
[单选题]用于侧向通过列车,速度50km/h以上至80km/h的单开道岔,其辙叉号数不得小于( )号。
A.9 B.12 C.18 D.30 [单选题]下列关于 rosbag 的描述,错误的是( )。
A.rosbag可以记录和回放topic B.rosbag可以记录和回放service C.rosbag可以指定记录某一个或多个topic D.rosbag记录的结果为.bag文件 [多项选择]借款人向银行申请个人汽车贷款,须具备的条件包括()。
A. 不得是一个月内刚入境的外国人 B. 具有固定和详细住址 C. 已考取驾照 D. 年收入10万元以上(含10万元) E. 能够支付贷款银行规定的首期付款 [单选题]关于高血压的记述中,下列哪一项是错误的?
A.常引起下肢坏疽 B.恶性高血压可见到细动脉纤维蛋白样坏死 C.晚期引起颗粒性固缩肾 D.脑出血是本病的主要致死原因之一 E.常引起左心室肥大 [判断题]盗窃铁箅子、路灯的,可以依据《治安管理处罚法》以盗窃、损毁路面井盖、照明等公共设施的规定,对违法行为人予以处罚。()
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