What is it about Paris For the last two centuries it has been the single most visited city in the world. Tourists still go for the art and the food, even if they have to brave the disdain of ticket-takers and waiters. Revolutionaries on the run, artists in search of the galleries and writers looking for the license to explore their inner selves went looking for people like themselves and created their own fields filled with experimentation and constant arguments. Would worldwide communist revolution have been conceivable without the Paris that was home to Marx, Lenin and Ho Chi Minh Would Impressionism or Cubism have become "isms" without Paris as a place to work and as a subject to paint How Paris came to be, for such a long time, "capital of the world"
The answer lies in the city’s "myths" according to the distinguished Harvard historian Patrice Higonnet in "Paris: Capital of the World. " In his book, Paris came to stand for
A. Appreciation
B. Dislike
C. Indifference
D. Anger
A common assumption about the private
sector of education is that it caters only to the elite. {{U}} (31)
{{/U}}recent research points in the opposite direction. If we want to help
some of most{{U}} (32) {{/U}}group in society, then encouraging deeper
private sector{{U}} (33) {{/U}}is likely to be the best way
forward. Several developments are{{U}} (34) {{/U}}in India, all of which involve the private education sector meeting the{{U}} (35) {{/U}}of the poor in distinct ways. {{U}} (36) {{/U}}India is not unique in this respect — similar phenomena are happening all over the developing world. As a point of departure, how do government schools serve the poor Usefully, the government sponsored Public Report on Basic Education in India from 1999 paints a very{{U}} (37) {{/U}}picture of the "{{U}} (38) {{/U}}" of the governme A. called B. decided C. took D. looked [单项选择]某种合金的塑性较低,但又要用压力加工方法成形。此时,以选用()法的成形效果最好。
A. 轧制 B. 拉拔 C. 挤压 D. 自由锻造 [单项选择]风温热陷心包的证候是:().
A. 猝然昏倒,不知人事,身热肢厥 B. 身体灼热,肢厥,神昏谵语,或昏愦不语,舌蹇,舌色鲜绛,脉细数 C. 身热,昏愦不语,倦卧,或兼汗多气短,脉细无力;或兼面色苍白,汗出淋漓,四肢厥冷,脉微细欲绝 D. 身热夜甚,时有谵语,斑点隐隐,舌质红绛 [判断题]在用差压变送器测量液体的液面时,差压计的安装高度可不作规定,只要维护方便就行.
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]SF6配电装置室、电缆层(隧道)的排风机电源开关应设置在门内。
A.正确 B.错误 C./ D./ E./ F./ [单选题]Glasgow昏迷评分法中若病人呼之能睁眼,分值为:( )
A.6分 B.5分 C.4分 D.3分 [多选题]需要现场勘察的作业项目有( )
A. 变电站(换流站)开关柜内一次设备检修和一、二次设备改(扩)建项目施工作业 B. 输电线路(电缆)停电检修(常规清扫等不涉及设备变更的工作除外)、改造项目施工作业 C. 带电作业 D. 使用吊车、挖掘机等大型机械的作业 [单选题]额定起重量()吨以上的桥式起重机应设置超载限制器。
A.15 B.20 C.25 D.30 我来回答: 提交