Passage 9 Another cultural difference has to do with the much greater emphasis that Chinese people have traditionally placed on (1) , on form (as distant from content), and on being polite. Americans, in contrast, in their daily interaction, do not often talk or think about (2) face, gaining face, or giving face. Americans are concerned about reputations and they do think about "looking good" and making others "looking good." (3) , in daily interaction they tend to focus more on the substance (content) of the interaction and not on whether or not a particular action will result in someone losing or gaining face. Such issues as (4) status, which are important in Chinese (5) of face, are less important to American and less likely to enter their minds when thinking aboutsubstantive matters. Sim A. social B. high C. personal D. special [判断题]重要临时设施应编制专项安全施工方案。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]J.Martin所给出的战略数据规划方法是一种有效的信息系统开发方法,该方法认为系统开发应以下列哪一项为中心
A. 数据 B. 业务 C. 功能 D. 应用 [判断题]调车指挥人应按规定不间断显示调车手信号,没有司机呜笛回示时,应立即显示停车信号。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]包裹应随旅客所乘列车运送或提前运送。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]以下哪些地方属于密闭空间?( )
A.电缆沟 B.疏水沟 C.下水道 D.发电机风洞 [单项选择]不符合铁粒幼细胞性贫血发病原因的是( )
A. 铁利用不良 B. 组织铁储量减少 C. 血红素合成障碍 D. 红细胞无效生成 E. 与血红素合成有关的酶、辅酶缺乏,活性减低。 [单选题]高度在 24 米以下的单、双排脚手架,均必须在外侧两端、转角及中间间隔不超过( )米的立面上,各设置一道剪刀撑,并应由底至顶连续设置。
A.10 B.15 C.20 D.25 [单选题]
GB-13271-2014《锅炉大气污染物排放标准》对锅炉排放废气的采样,应根据监测污染物的种类,在规定的污染物排放监控位置进行,有废气处理设施的,应在该设施(、 )监测。单选 A. 前 B. 后 C. 前后 D. 烟囱 [单选题]工作票签发人应由安全等级不低于( )级的人员担任。
A.一 B.二 C.三 D.四 [单项选择]煤气防爆试验()次合格后方可点火。
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 [多选题]依据GB8958-2006《缺氧危险作业安全规程》,在缺氧环境下,作业人员高处作业时必须佩戴的防护用品有( )。
A.安全带(绳) B.安全绳网设备 C.安全服 D.安全帽 E.护目镜 [单选题]网络安全人员发生岗位调动、离职等工作变化时,()内应修改原岗位人员所有帐号和口令。
A. 3个工作日 B. 5个工作日 C. 一周 D. 10个工作日 [多选题]电缆终端接地引线需从电流互感器内穿过时,应进行()。
A.绝缘处理 B.加装热缩管 C.缠绕绝缘带 D.打磨抛光 [单项选择]兼具债券和股票特性的融资工具是()。
A. 商业票据 B. 银行贷款 C. 可转换公司债券 D. 回购协议 [填空题]SSS和CG对接时SCTP配置的本端应用属性为( ),默认DIAMETER的服务端口为( )
[判断题]( )数控系统由PLC装置、可编程控制器、何服驱动装置以及电动机等部分组成。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]1.15 机动车登记编号序号使用规则:已使用的序号总量与序号理论容量的比例超过( )___后,经省级公安机关交通管理部门批准并报公安部交通管理局备案后,可依次启用下一种组合方式。
A.50% B.60% C.70% D.80% [填空题]
· Read the article below about telephone skills. · For each question 31-40 write one word in CAPITAL LE’I’I’ERS on your Answer Sheet. {{B}}
How to deal with difficult people on
the phone{{/B}}
One of the skills required of today’s successful business people is the ability to deal with difficult people on the phone. The Reed Employment agency has come{{U}} (31) {{/U}}with some advice to help business people get the best from the caller. First of all, accept that people can be rude when they are{{U}} (32) {{/U}}pressure. Try to find out{{U}} (33) {{/U}}they are angry - even if you have to guess. And, importantly, never get angry back. Many problems are caused by a simple misunderstanding. Therefore it is essential{{U}} (34) {{/U}}remain calm so that you can get to the root of the problem and thus have{{U}} (35) {{/U}}better chance of resolving it, Understand that maintaining your calm is much eas [单项选择]凡尔赛—华盛顿体系使帝国主义在东西方的关系在一定程度上得以调整,国际关系处于相对稳定状态,其决定因素是()。
A. 列强实力对比未发生根本性变化 B. 列强对当时的国际关系体系都比较满意 C. 两种制度的矛盾尚未激化 D. 帝国主义国家都致力于恢复经济 [单选题]投保人向保险人申请订立保险合同的书面要约是
A. 保险单 B. 投保单 C. 小保单 D. 暂保单 [单选题]下列健中不属于松键的是( )。
A.平键 B.花键 C.切向键 D.导向平健 [单选题]不允许有任何罪犯以任何形式对其他罪犯行使管理职能.否则就视为( )的行为.坚决予以打击。
A.牢头狱霸 B.哄监闹狱 C.抗拒改造 D.拉帮结伙 我来回答: 提交