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标题文本:“会员意见” |
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名称:“FormName”;方法:“post”;动作:“http://www.flyer.com/sugesstion.jsp” |
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Trying to Find a Partner One of the most striking findings of a recent poll in the UK is that of the people interviewed, one in two believes that it is becoming more difficult to meet someone to start a family with. Why are many finding it increasingly difficult to start and sustain intimate relationships Does modem fife really make it harder to fall in love Or are we making it harder for ourselves It is certainly the case today that contemporary couples benefit in different ways from relationships. Women no longer rely upon partners for economic security or status. A man doesn’t expect his spouse to be in sole charge of running his household and raising his children. But perhaps the knowledge that we can live perfectly we A. It is getting more difficult for a woman to find her husband. B. It is getting increasingly difficult to start a family. C. It is getting more difficult for a man to find his wife. D. It is getting increasingly difficult to develop an intimate relationship with your spouse. [多项选择]报告、请求、批复都应有相应的()。
A. 标题 B. 栏目 C. 开头语 D. 正文 [单项选择]亚共析钢加热到Ac3点时()。
A. 铁素体开始自奥氏体中析出 B. 开始发生奥氏体转变 C. 奥氏体开始转变为珠光体 D. 铁素体全部溶入奥氏体中 [单项选择]两台以太网交换机之间使用了两根5类双绞线相连,要解决其通信问题,避免产生环路问题,需要启用()技术。
A. 源路由网桥 B. 生成树网桥 C. MAC子层网桥 D. 介质转换网桥 [单选题]
下列描述是2级肌力的临床表现是 A.肌肉活动可以带动水平方向的关节活动,但不能对抗地心引力 B.对抗地心引力时关节仍能主动活动,但不能对抗阻力 C.肌肉完全麻痹,通过观察及触诊肌肉完全无收缩力 D.能抗较大的阻力,但比正常者为弱 E.病人主动收缩肌肉时,虽然有收缩,但不能带动关节活动 [单选题]根据本外币利润统计制度,以下哪个指标在本外币利润年报中不报数( )
A.资产减值损失 B.系统内往来利息收入 C.年度损益调整 D.公允价值变动损益 [判断题]检修电茶炉、电蒸饭箱,可不切断电源,必要时应排净余水余汽。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]认沽权证实质上是股票的一种()。
A. 短期看涨期权 B. 短期看跌期权 C. 长期看涨期权 D. 长期看跌期权 [单选题]一个汉字和一个英文字符在微型机中存储时所占字节数的比值为____。
A.4比1 B.2比1 C.1比1 D.1比4 [单项选择]下列各项,不属妊娠慎用药物的是()
A. 牛膝 B. 白术 C. 大黄 D. 红花 E. 附子 [多项选择]评估基准日期应当是评估中确定()时所实际采用的基准日期。
A. 股价标准 B. 汇率标准 C. 税率和费率标准 D. 价格标准 [多项选择]下列选项中,属于内部控制缺陷的有()。
A. 越权操作 B. 合谋串通 C. 减少舞弊 D. 成本限制 [单项选择]1kg工质温度变化1℃,吸收或放出的热量被称为()。
A. 比重 B. 比热容 C. 比容 D. 比焓 [单选题]在站台上,上下车时,车速不得超过( )。
A.10km/h B.15km/h C.20km/h D.25km/h [单选题]患者男,60岁,脑CT示大脑中动脉供血区大面积脑梗死,处于昏迷状态,下列体征不可能出现的是( )
A.对疼痛刺激存在反应 B.可以被语言唤醒 C.瞳孔对光反射消失 D.生命体征稳定 E.可有自发动作 我来回答: 提交