Early American industries depended
largely on skilled artisans working in small shops to serve a local market. But
the Industrial Revolution that started in England during the 18th century did
not take long to cross the Atlantic. It brought many changes to American
industry between 1776 and 1860. Because labor was scarce in the United States
and wages were high, employers welcomed any new method that could reduce the
requirement for labor. One key development was the introduction of the factory system, which gathered many workers together in one workplace and produced goods for distribution over a wide area. The first factory in the United States is generally date A. Henry Ford influenced American people’s life. B. Henry Ford influenced all manufacturing systems. C. Henry Ford influenced the manufacture of cars. D. Henry Ford influenced the system of business. [单选题]耳穴外生殖器位于( )
A.三角窝前1/3的下部 B.三角窝前1/3的上部 C.对耳轮下脚前方的耳轮处 D.三角窝前方的耳轮处 E.耳轮脚处 [单项选择]中风先兆的舌态是()
A. 舌短 B. 舌痿 C. 弄舌 D. 吐舌 E. 舌强 [单选题]剪刀撑斜杆用旋转扣件固定在与其相交的横向水平杆伸出端或立杆上,旋转扣件
中心线至主节点的距离不应()。 A.大于150nmi B.小于150mm C.大于300mm D.小于300mm [单选题]( )属于公众聚集场所。
A.集体宿舍 B.劳动密集型企业 C.幼儿园 D.宾馆、饭店 [单选题]绿色轨道区段,黄色向左箭头表示()
A.下行正向标准进路 B.上行正向标准进路 C.上行反向标准进路 D.下行反向标准进路 [单选题]A.沙门菌
A.葡萄球菌 B.变形杆菌 C.副溶血性弧菌 D.致病性大肠埃希菌 E.引起细菌性食物中毒的最常见致病菌是 [判断题]带电断、接架空线路与空载电缆线路的连接引线应采取消弧措施,不得直接带电断、接。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]金融机构之间融通资金以解决临时资金不足的市场是( )。
A.发行市场 B.资本市场 C.同业拆借市场 D.流通市场 [单选题] 先兆流产与难免流产的主要鉴别点是
A.下腹痛的程度 B.出血时间长短 C.早孕反应是否存在 D.宫口开大与否 E.妊娠试验是否阳性 [填空题]It may seem odd but ice itself sometimes (11) ! Some growers actually spray their crops with water on a freezing night. Water freezes quickly on the plant and then (12) . As long as ice stays wet, it can’t (13) 32 degrees, a temperature many plant can stand. If the ice ever became entirely frozen and dry, it might drop many degrees lower, ruining the plants. But by continually spraying water on the ice, the growers keep it from going below 32 degrees (14) . This may frustrate Jack Frost, but it saves the plants. This strange kind of "ice blanket" works only on plants that are (15) of frozen spray.
[判断题]发审会后至发行前期间,如果发行人公布的公告内容涉及保荐人新出具专业报告的,保荐人应出具会后重大事项的专业意见。( )
A.合法性 B.有效性 C.审慎性 D.从属性 E.足值性 [判断题]采购经理人指数中,当指数高于50%时,通常被解释为经济扩张的信号。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]单选题:工作票根据使用对象不同分为( )两种类型。
A.员工卡,工作卡 B.员工卡,委外卡 C.工作卡,委外卡 D.集团卡,员工卡 [判断题]500总吨及以上船舶应备有为其计划航线所必需的足够和最新的海图、航路指南、灯塔表、航海通告、潮汐表以及一切其他航海出版物()
A. 对骨骼系统的影响 B. 对内分泌系统的影响 C. 对神经系统的影响 D. 对生殖系统的影响 E. 对心血管系统的影响 [单选题]如果触电发生在架空线杆塔上,如系低压带电线路,首先要考虑的是( )。
A.将触电者拉开 B.可切断电源的,应迅速切断电源 C.在地面做好坠落预防措施 D.迅速远离触电区域 [单选题]You had better _______a doctor as soon as possible.
A. seeing B. saw C. see D. seen [单选题]低压开关可以将压力信号转化为( )。
A.电信号 B.数字信号 C.模拟信号 D.机械信号 [判断题]更换截齿和滚筒时,采煤机上下2m范围内,必须护帮护顶,禁止操作液压支架。 (判断题)
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]除有特别规定外,任何煤气设备均必须保持()操作。
A.远距分泌 B.腔分泌 C.旁分泌 D.自分泌 E.神经分泌 我来回答: 提交