The phrase intellectual property (IP) refers to the bundle of legal rights that arise from the creative genius of the human mind. IP rights play an important role in the economic prosperity of a country and serve as a motivating force for creative individuals to share their genius with society. Like real and personal property rights protect one’s ownership interest in tangible (有形的) objects, such as land and automobiles, IP rights protect one’s ownership interest in i A. It prevents a product from being copied. B. It tells the consumers what kind of product it is. C. It gives the inventor or author exclusive right. D. It is granted by the same office that grants the patent. [填空题]When the sun started to set, Jim headed
for home. He had hunted long enough. Just then he saw there is, 30 feet in front of him, a wolf. Jim looked around. There were other wolfs in the 76.______ woods in his right, who were waiting for their 77.______ leader move. The boy did not lift his gun. His 78.______ heart beaten like a dram (鼓). Jim walked on 79.______ with the leader wolf in front and others behind following him. 80.______ The leader wolf was full of the fright in back of Jim. Suddenly Jim 81.______ turned back and shot at the front wolf. Then the others 82.______ stopped short, and Jim started to run. He looked back 83.______ and saw the beasts stand around the dead body of 84.______ their leader. Without their leader, they were 85.______ so br [单选题]尊重病人自主性或决定,在病人坚持己见时,可能要求医生
A.放弃自己的责任 B.不伤害患者 C.听命于患者 D.必要时限制病人自主性 E.无需具体分析 [单项选择]像昆虫叮咬能引起瘙痒一样,皮肤与植物的毒素接触也能引起瘙痒。对栎叶漆树引起的瘙痒研究发现,当与植物的毒素接触后,皮肤细胞会释放出引起红肿和发痒的组胺,利用苯海拉明等抗组胺药物能治疗这类瘙痒。但还没有适合的药物来治疗特异反应性湿疹等引起的瘙痒。对于后者,最好的建议就是,穿宽松的衣服,在任何情况下都不要用手抓痒。
A. 苯海拉明不能治疗特异反应性湿疹 B. 抗组胺药物可以用于治疗皮肤瘙痒 C. 皮肤瘙痒症状相同但机理可能不同 D. 减少皮肤摩擦有助于抑制组胺活性 [单选题]电路中之所以有电流流动,是由于电源两端的电位差造成的,这个电位差通常称之为( )。
A.电压源 B.电流源 C.电压 D.电位 [单选题]常压下甲烷的爆炸上限为 15%,而在 12.5MPa 时,则扩大到 45.7%,使( )。
A.爆炸危险性减小 B.爆炸危险性增加 C.爆炸危险性不变 D.中毒危险性增加 [单选题]公司的某一运营部门被发现在检查和核实已接受货品的质量方面程序不全,为评价这一控制缺陷的重要性,审计是应该复核该部门的:
A.年终存货余额 B.每年的存货购买 C.年终资产总额 D.年度运营费用 [单项选择]属于染色体结构异常的是()
A. 缺失 B. 随体 C. 多倍体 D. 插入 E. 嵌合体 [判断题]作业人员应严格执行现场标准化作业指导书,确保作业安全和质量。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]饭店人力资源管理的目标是什么?
A.死亡本能论 B.侵犯本能论 C.动机论 D.社会学习理论 我来回答: 提交