On March 26, 1999, I became a new staff
member of the Los Alamos National Laboratory. I committed the rest of my
scientific future there despite the allegations of espionage leveled at one of
its weapons scientists, Wen Ho Lee, who, notably, has never been and may never
be officially charged. I valued the accomplishments of its distinguished
scientists and was confident its able leaders would receive the political
support they needed from Washington to cope with the potential damage to its
programs arising from the scandal. But in the months since then that support has come into question—and the damage has become real. Washington’s reaction to the incident has created an atmosphere of suspicion, which, coupled with efforts to restrict scientific interchange and reduce funds for key research, threaten the essence of the lab—its ability to prov A. (A) he appreciated its scientific environment B. (B) he esteemed its distinguished scientists and treasured their accomplishments C. (C) it obtained support from Washington D. (D) its leaders were all able to cope with the potential damage to its programs. [单项选择]()是中东和平的根源性问题
A. 以色列问题 B. 巴勒斯坦问题 C. 民族之间的矛盾 D. 宗教的冲突 [多选题]电缆沟的盖板开启后,应( )。
A.自然通风一段时间 B.经气体检测合格后方可下井沟工作 C.电缆井内工作时,禁止只打开一只井盖(单眼井除外) D.电缆井内工作时,可只打开一只井盖 [判断题]( )带负荷更换中相柱上隔离开关作业,使用绝缘毯对横担做绝缘隔离宜使用操作杆将绝缘毯挑入安装,避免出现人员侵犯间隙的现象。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]能摄取抗原,并对抗原进行加工、处理,并提呈给特异性淋巴细胞的一类细胞称
A. NK细胞 B. 靶细胞 C. 免疫细胞 D. APC E. 吞噬细胞 [判断题]
题干:各级消防救援队伍应当及时掌握本辖区消防水源设施情况,发现问题,及时督促有关部门进行处理。( ) A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]药动学是研究()。
A. 机体如何对药物进行处理 B. 药物如何影响机体 C. 药物发生动力学变化的原因 D. 合理用药的治疗方案 [单项选择]阀控式密封蓄电池运行环境的要求,安装密封蓄电池的机房应配有通风换气装置,温度不宜超过28℃,建议环境温度应保持在()
A. 5℃~25℃之间 B. 10℃~25℃之间 C. 10℃~35℃之间 [简答题]
下面是某中学学生会向各班级班长所发通知的正文,请阅读并按要求完成后面的题目。 [多选题]区域巡逻具有如下特点( )。
A.对象固定 B.被动性强 C.主动性强 D.流动性大 E.风险度高 [单选题]在进行阀类试验拆下连接软管时,请务必( )。有可能因压缩空气急速排出,导致软管打伤人体。
A.确保空气压力为 0kPa B.将试验台电源关断 C.将连接管握紧 D.拆开连接管后迅速撤离 [填空题]在正确插入IC卡时,LKJ-2000监控装置屏幕右边状态窗口的“IC卡”灯( )。《LKJ2000型列车运行监控记录装置》P253
A. 椎间盘突出 B. 颈背痛 C. 腰背痛 D. 腰腿痛 E. 脊髓明显受压 [名词解释]社会文化学派
A.上纵隔 B.前纵隔 C.中纵隔 D.后纵隔 E.下纵隔 我来回答: 提交