Petitions have long been a part of British political life. Anyone who wanted to change something would get a list of signatures from people who agreed to the idea and either send them to the government or deliver them personally to the Prime Minister’s house in London. They are always accepted at the door by one of the PM’s officials. What happens then Nothing much, usually. But petitions have always been thought of as a useful way for those who govern to find out what the people really think. That’s why the UK government launched its "e-petition" site in November 2006. Instead of physically collecting signatures, all anyone with an idea has to do now is to make a proposal on the government website, and [单项选择]In some ways the employment interview is like a persuasive(有说服力的) speech because the applicant seeks to persuade the employer to employ him or her. A job applicant has the responsibility for getting certain types of information before the interview. First, the applicant knows what kind of job he wants and how the job relates to his career objectives. It is important that the applicant be able to speak out his reasons for wishing to work for a company. Second, the applicant should seek as much information about the company as possible. Relevant information for the applicant to locate includes such items as the location of the home and regional offices, the financial status of the company, plans for expansion, and company philosophy, information about most major companies available in reference books and periodicals.
After gathering a company’s information, the applicant is ready for the interview. The interviewer’s first impression comes from the interviewee’s appearance. For most A. An employee. B. An employer. C. An interviewee. D. An interviewer. [单选题]题干:1岁男孩,稽留高热3天,频繁咳
嗽,阵发性踹憋人院。体温40℃,嗜睡, 面色灰白,轻度发绀,气促,吸气三凹征, 左肺呼吸音降低,双肺未闻及啰音。胸片 示左下肺大片密度较淡阴影。已用青霉素 治疗3天无效。 需立即采取的措施是 A.改用敏感性高的抗生紊 B.毛花苷C C.诊断性胸穿 D.抽血送培养做药敏 E.肾上腺皮质激素 [填空题]根据分子运动学说,()是物质分子热运动激烈程度的标记。
[单项选择]肾慢性排斥反应( )
A. 间质明显水肿并伴有CD4+、CD8+T细胞为主的单个核细胞浸润 B. 系统性硬化样反应 C. 急性血管炎 D. 广泛急性小动脉炎伴血栓形成及缺血性坏死 E. 血管内膜纤维化,引起管腔严重狭窄 [多项选择]药芯焊丝CO2电弧焊焊丝外皮中包入的药剂主要成分是铁粉、TiO2、SiO2、AL、Mg等。在焊接过程中起到()的作用。
A. 脱氧 B. 稳弧 C. 形成熔渣 D. 添加合金 E. 产生气体 [单项选择]本地用户信息存储在本地计算机的账户管理数据库中,用户登录后()。
A. 只能根据权限访问整个域中的特定资源 B. 只能根据权限访问本地计算机某些目录中的内容 C. 只能根据权限访问本地计算机 D. 可以根据权限访问整个域中的资源 [判断题]从事生产、经营的纳税人违反《税收征管法》规定,拒不接受税务机关处理的,税务机关可以收缴其发票或者停止向其发售发票。( )
A.经办客户经理 B.客户本人 C.客户本人或配偶 [单项选择]导线材料的()要高,可使线路的功率损耗、电能损耗减小,电压降减少。
A. 电阻率 B. 功率 C. 导电率 D. 一能耗率 [多选题]无菌灌装机生产运行时间标准中生产酸性乳时≤30小时 规定的设备机型为
A.TFA/3 B.百利包 C.TBA/22 D.A1-TFA [单项选择]“一元化领导”是指( )。
A. 首长制 B. 层级制 C. 完整制 D. 分离制 [简答题]抢修人员接到地市、县供电企业配网抢修指挥相关班组派单后,对于非本部门职责范围或信息不全影响抢修工作的工单应及时反馈地市、县供电企业配网抢修指挥相关班组,地市、县供电企业配网抢修指挥相关班组在工单到达后(____)内,将工单回退至派发单位并详细注明退单原因。
A. tpi B. bpi C. rpm D. mtbf [单选题]当乘客遇到微信扫码问题,客服中心可以指引乘客自助在手机小程序“乘车码”中“我的”页面“联系客服”中选择报故障、联系客服等。留言时间覆盖()。
A.24小时 B.8:00-24:00 C.9:00-24:00 D.9:00-17:00 [单选题]患者男性,70岁。突然意识丧失,血压测不清,颈动脉搏动消失。住院心电图监测为心室颤动,此时应采用最有效的治疗是
A. 心脏按压 B. 人工呼吸 C. 非同步直流电复律 D. 静注利多卡因 E. 心腔内注射肾上腺素 [单选题]以下有关空间速度的说法,不正确的是:( )。
A.空速越大,单位时间单位体积催化剂处理的原料气量就越大 B. 空速增加,原料气与催化剂的接触时间缩短,转化率下降 C.空速减小,原料气与催化剂的接触时间增加,主反应的选择性提高 D.空速的大小影响反应的选择性与转化率 [判断题]某银行收到一张10美元假币,应当在假币背面加盖“假币”字样戳记。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]舞台暗装彩灯泡,舞池脚灯彩灯灯泡,其功率均、宜在40W以下,最大不应超过60W。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交