As a girl, Louise Bethune showed great
promise (前途) in planning houses and various other structures. As an adult, she
was determined to become America’s first woman architect (建筑师). Young architects then usually learned their skills by working in the drafting rooms (绘图室) of professional architects. Most architects didn’t want to employ women. But Louise managed to make a well-known architect give her a chance. She worked from six in the morning to six in the evening. She wasn’t paid much. But she learned much as she worked. And her employer allowed her to use his large library. In 1881, after five years of work and study, Louise set up her own office. She advertised that "the first professional woman architect in the country was ready for business." Louise insisted tha A. with the help of a famous architect B. in order to become well-known C. in 1881 D. in 1886 [简答题]一台轴流压缩机当其叶型和叶栅参数确定后,其____也就固定了。
A.已实现需求; B.待实现需求; C.已开发需求; D.待开发需求。 [单项选择]“子门”指的是( )
A. 宫颈外口 B. 阴道口 C. 子宫 D. 外阴部 E. 阴道壁 [单项选择]
Sonic Device
The other day, Dr. Robert Smith, who is blind, took a remarkable stroll through the campus of the University of California at Santa Barbara. As Dr. Smith walked along the campus, places and impediments (障碍物) in his path seemed to call out their names to him -- "library here, library here", "bench here, bench here". [单项选择]建设工程项目质量控制系统运行机制不包括( )。
A. 反馈机制 B. 动力机制 C. 激励机制 D. 约束机制 [判断题]设备管理制度,要求静密点泄漏率在1.5%以下,动密封点泄漏率在1.8%以下。
[单选题] 属真蛋白质的是
A.血红蛋白 B.硝酸钠 C.尿素 D.赖氨酸 [单选题]因事故导致严重的外部出血时,应采用( )的方法。
A.清洗伤口 B.用布料直接包裹制止出血 C.用药棉将流出的血液吸去 [多项选择]以下哪些报酬属于非经济类报酬()。
A. 参与决策权 B. 较多的职权 C. 个人成长机会 D. 津贴与补贴 E. 销售提成 [单选题]各煤矿企业对已确诊为尘肺的职工( )。
A.必须调离粉尘作业岗位 B.尊重病人意愿,是否继续从事粉尘作业 C.由单位决定,是否从事粉尘作业 [多项选择]证券组合分析的内容主要包括( )。
A. 马柯威茨的均值方差模型 B. 资本资产定价模型(CAP C. 套利定价模型(AP D. 特征线模型 [填空题]用十六进制给存储器中的字节地址进行编号,若地址编号从0000到FFFF,则该存储器的容量为【 】KB。
[单选题]开放性骨折固定方法错误的是( )
A.敷料覆盖外露骨及伤口 B.在伤口周围放置弧形衬垫,冲洗伤口后,绷带包扎固定,夹板固定骨折 C.出血多需要上止血带 D.不要将外露的骨质还纳 E.避免污染伤口深部,造成血管、神经的再损伤 [多选题]因果图作图时的关注点是()。
A.A.明确要分析的质量的问题 B.B.召集有关人员参加诸葛亮会 C.C.把因素箭头排列主干两侧 D.D.把重要的用粗线表示 [单选题]宜包煎的药物是
A.苦杏仁 B.旋覆花 C.白果 D.竹沥 我来回答: 提交