Individualism, independence, and
self-reliance are perhaps the most distinctive American characteristic. American
"individualism" is {{U}} (26) {{/U}} a good thing, it does not mean being
{{U}} (27) {{/U}}, each person is expected to make {{U}} (28)
{{/U}} for himself or herself about all aspects of life {{U}} (29)
{{/U}}, career, and home. The nuclear family (mother, father, and children)
is an important aspect of American society. {{U}} (30) {{/U}} usually has
much less influence on the behavior of any individual in it {{U}} (31)
{{/U}} it generally true in china. Children are {{U}} (32) {{/U}}
from an early age to be self-reliant taking care of their clothes and bedrooms,
perhaps helping to cook and {{U}} (33) {{/U}} and to begin thinking for
themselves and even learning to manage their own money. Parents provide advice
and assistance A. practically B. unusually C. specially D. especially [简答题]书本是知识的重要来源。
[单选题]客运企业安全生产隐患治理的责任主体是( )。
A.客运企业 B.交通运输主管部门 C.安全监督管理部门 D.安全管理人员 [单选题]事故调查时限通常为,一般事故( )日。
A.10 B.15 C.20 D.30 [单项选择]进口货物的纳税义务发生时间为报关进口的( )。
A. 当日 B. 次日 C. 收到进口货物的当天 D. 收到进口货物的次日 [填空题]如果说,()的《尝试集》是中国新诗现代性的开端,那么,()的《女神》则是自觉实践并取得决定性成果的标志。
[单选题]某服装加工厂房建筑高度28m,地上七层,占地面积1500㎡;其一、二层为服装原料及成品仓库;三至七层为服装加工车间。设疏散楼梯两座,电梯一部,室内、外消防设施符合有关消防技术规范的规定。该大楼楼梯间的门应为 ( ) 。
A.普通门 B.乙级防火门 C.丙级防火门 D.双向弹簧门 [单项选择]On the shelves of the country’s shops is the usual classification of toys, clothing, appliances and cookware. But over the past month the quality of many of the goods on offer has improved. In part this is because scandals over toxic paint have brought closer scrutiny from inspectors and hence less corner-cutting. But it is also partly because of falling demand for its goods from other countries, which has given its manufacturers and local government a big incentive to work around the country’s exportpromotion policies and to sell at home.
Its manufacturers are well aware that they operate in one of the few large markets that is still showing a pulse. Retail sales in October were up by 22% compared with the same month in 2007 -- a slight drop from 23.2% in September, but an impressive figure nonetheless. That certainly exaggerates the country’s economic vigor, but it would be a stretch to believe that the country is in recession. As domestic consumption increases, its exp A. All the goods were classified into different categories. B. Toxic paint was forcibly taken out of shelves. C. The quality of goods has been greatly improved. D. There are fewer brands from the foreign countries. [单选题]许多物质( ),发生爆炸事故时,会使大量有害物质外泄,造成人员中毒和环境污染。
A.不可燃且有毒 B.不可燃且无毒 C.可燃且有毒 D.可燃且无毒 [单项选择]男性,50岁。突然发冷、发热,咳嗽,脓性痰,黏稠带血,白细胞18×10/L,青霉素治疗无效,胸部X线所见右上肺大片实变影,叶间隙下坠。诊断可能为()
A. 肺炎球菌性肺炎 B. 克雷白杆菌肺炎 C. 葡萄球菌性肺炎 D. 肺结核 E. 渗出性胸膜炎 [单选题]根据《反洗钱法》的规定,下列不属于金融机构在反洗钱方面的义务的是( )。
A.健全反洗钱内控制度 B.建立客户身份识别制度 C.金融机构应当按照规定建立客户身份资料和交易记录保存制度,保存10年以上 D.金融机构应当按照规定执行大额交易和可疑交易报告制度 [单项选择]