The most famous painter in Victoria’s
history is Emily Carr. When she was a child, she discovered that walking in the
woods 1 more to her than playing with other children, and
that she was more interested in 2 the streets of old Victoria than playing at home with 3 and spending her time making up. Emily was a cute little girl who spent 4 of her childhood in Beacon Hill Park, 5 was very close to her home. Drawing 6 her, and she also liked to play with the pets. She had ducks and chickens, and even 7 a monkey. She was 8 interested in the First Nations people and the Chinese people she saw in Victoria’s Chinatown. Their culture and way of dressing seemed so 9 from her own. As sh A. much B. lots C. more D. many [单选题]在钻孔施工过程中,为了防止发生煤与瓦斯突出事故,封孔时套管长度应( )2米,套管口应装密封安全装置,以保证钻孔喷孔或突出时人员和设备的安全。
A.小于 B.大于 C.等于 [判断题]( )制冷剂蒸气的温度降低到饱和温度时,气体就会放出热量而冷凝成液体,这时的饱和温度称为“冷凝温度”。发生冷凝过程的容器称为“冷凝器”
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]植物性油脂中含饱和脂肪酸较多的是()
A. 豆油 B. 玉米油 C. 花生油 D. 菜籽油 E. 棕榈油和可可籽油 [多选题]消防救援人员犯罪,有下列情形之一的,予以开除:( )
A.因故意犯罪被判处管制、拘役 B.因过失犯罪被判处有期徒刑,刑期超过三年的 C.因犯罪被单处或者并处剥夺政治权利的 D.因故意犯罪被判处有期徒刑以上刑罚(含宣告缓刑)的 [单选题]现场校验时应认清设备接线标识,设专人监护,工作完毕接电后要进行检查核验确保接线正确,接线时螺丝应( )。
A.紧固 B.充分接触 C.紧固并充分接触 D.焊死 [单选题]在Word中,()用于控制文档在屏幕上的显示大小。
A.显示比例 B.页面显示 C.缩放显示 D.全屏显示 [填空题]
Writing a Research Paper [多选题]( )要留有安全通道,宽度不小于0.5米,不得堵塞端门。
A.硬座车 B.软卧车 C.邮政车 D.行李车 [判断题]安全目标管理是使安全管理、安全状况指标化,方便检查对比。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]安慰剂效应
A.血管的收缩与扩张 B.大脑功能的障碍 C.脑膜受到炎症出血和牵张 D.脑神经痛觉纤维的活化 E.炎性介质的增加 [单项选择]到期一次还本付息还款方式一般适用于期限在()以内的贷款。
A. 2年以内(含2年) B. 2年以内(不含2年) C. 1年以内(含1年) D. 1年以内(不含1年) 我来回答: 提交