Most young people enjoy some form of physical
activity. It may be walking, bicycling, or swimming, or in winter, skating or
skiing. It may be a game of some (11) -football, hockey, golf
or tennis. It may be mountaineering. Those who have a passion for climbing high
and difficult mountains are often (12) with astonishment. Why
are men and women willing to suffer cold and hardship, and to take risks on high
mountainsThis astonishment is caused, (13) , by the
difference between mountaineering and other forms of activity to which men give
their leisure. Mountaineering is a sport and (14) a game. There are no man-made rules, as there are for such games as golf and football. There, (15) , rules of a different kind which it would be dangerous to ignore, but it is this freedom fr A. obviously B. basically C. already D. conversely [单项选择]变风量空调系统中的关键设备是( ),通过它来控制送风量,补偿室内负荷的变化,保持室温不变。
A. 新风机组 B. 组合式空调机组 C. 风机盘管 D. 变风量末端 [单选题]个体户某甲因销售假冒伪劣卷烟,烟草专卖行政管理部门经调查核实后决定对其处以2万元的罚款。下列有关该事件的表述中哪项是不正确的?( )
A.烟草专卖行政管理部门应告知某甲有要求举行听证的权利 B.举行听证的费用由烟草专卖行政管理部门与某甲合理分担 C.听证应当公开举行 D.某甲既可以自己参加听证,也可以委托他人代理参加听证 [单选题]开塞露的主要成份
A.硫酸镁 B.硫酸钠 C.酚酞 D.甘油 E.液体石腊 [单项选择]在体液平衡中下列哪项不对()
A. 细胞内液约为体重的40% B. 细胞外液约为体重的20% C. 组织间液约为体重的15% D. 血浆约为体重的5% E. 它们之间是非动态平衡 [单选题]测量压力时,取压点至压力表的长度不应大于( )mm。
A.A.25 B.B.50 C.C.75 D.D.100 [单选题]工作场所的照明,应该保证足够的亮度。照明灯具的悬挂高度应不低于( )m,并不得任意挪动。
A.1 B.1.5 C.2 D.2.5 [单项选择]公关危机最为明显的特征是().
A. 不确定性 B. 连锁破坏性 C. 突发性 D. 溢出效应 [多选题]《安全生产法》规定,县级以上各级人民政府及有关部门对报告重大事故隐患或者举报安全生产违法行为的有功人员,给予奖励,具体奖励办法由( )制定。
A.国务院安全生产监督管理部门 B.应当向当地有关部门报告 C.国务院财政部门 D.生产经营单位的安全管理部门 我来回答: 提交