Amid weak job and housing markets,
consumers are saving more and spending less than they have in decades, and
industry Professionals expect that trend to continue. Consumers saved 6.4
percent of their after-tax income in June. Before the recession, the rate was 1
to 2 percent for many years. In June, consumer spending and personal incomes
were essentially flat compared with May, suggesting that the American economy,
as dependent as it is on shoppers opening their wallets and purses, isn’t likely
to rebound anytime soon. On the bright side, the practices that consumers have adopted in response to the economic crisis ultimately could make them happier. New studies of consumption and happiness show, for instance, that people are happier when they spend money on experiences instead of material objects, when they relish what A. The job and housing markets will become even weaker. B. There is little hope that the American economy will recover soon. C. More and more retailers and marketers will have to go bankrupt. D. It’s possible that the American economy will rebound sooner. [判断题]排烟口的风速不宜大于10m/s,排烟量应符合设计要求。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]324、动车组非正常行车场景第一作业行为:动车组运行中发现或接到外门故障报警+无牵引力,司机的第一处置行为是( )。
A.A、减速运行 B.B、立即停车 C.C、汇报列车调度员 [单选题]四星驾驶员“必知必会”知晓率考试达()
A.90分 B.95分 C.98分 [单项选择]伤害事故处理工作应当在()日内结案,特殊情况不得超过()日。
A. 50,100 B. 60,120 C. 90,180 D. 100,200 [判断题]等级评定前一年内,有3起以上违纪行为的,应直接确定为不达标窗口。
[单选题] 婴幼儿洗澡时室内温度保持在( )。
A.18~22℃ B.22~25℃ C.28℃左右 D.30~32℃ [简答题] 测二次回路的绝缘应使用多大的绝缘电阻表?绝缘标准是多少?
[单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程 机巡、新能源部分(试行)》(安监〔2018〕48号)第8.3.10条规定,关于光伏设备设施巡视,说法错误的是( )
A. 运用中的光伏方阵均应视为带电体。室外巡视时应带安全帽、穿绝缘鞋,雨雪天气下应穿绝缘靴,戴绝缘手套。不应触碰运用中的光伏组件、组件支架、线槽等设备设施。 B. 5级及以上大风等恶劣天气或夜间照明不足时,不应巡视室外光伏发电设备设施。 C. 能见度小于100m时,不应巡视室外光伏发电设备设施。 D. 屋顶光伏系统巡视应沿运维通道进行,禁止踩踏采光带等易踏空区域。 [单项选择]如企业法人的法定代表人和其他工作人员以法人名义从事经营活动,由于自己的过错给他人造成经济损失,则:
A. 法定代表人和其他工作人员应当承担民事责任 B. 企业法人应当承担民事责任 C. 法定代表人和其他工作人员与企业法人共同承担民事责任 D. 法定代表人和其他工作人员应当首先承担民事责任,不足部分由企业法人承担补充民事责任 [判断题]干部对消防员必须公道正派,一视同仁。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交