Children model themselves largely on
their parents. They do so mainly through identification. Children identify
(61) a parent when they believe they have the qualities and
feelings that are (62) of that parent. The things parents do
and say—and the (63) they do and say to them—strongly
influence a child’s (64) . A parent’s actions (65) affect the self image that a child forms (66) identification. Children who see mainly positive qualities in their (67) will likely learn to see t A. before B. besides C. with D. through [单选题]设备联锁故障在( )分钟内仍未恢复,中间有岔站需利用行车间隔将相关道岔进行加锁并报行调。
A.30 B.60 C.90 D.120 [多项选择]出租汽车优质服务对行车的要求是:().
A. 安全第一 B. 满足乘客需求 C. 文明驾驶 D. 快速行车 [判断题]对检查中发现的典型问题和不及时整改问题的部门按要求纳入公司 HSE 考核。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]提速道岔安装钢枕滑床台的销钉应由里往外装,以免碰电务表示杆的接头铁。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者,女性,42岁,右眼眼红、眼痛伴视力下降3天。Vod0.3,Vos1.0;Tod34mmHg,Tos15mmHg;右眼球结膜睫状充血,角膜轻度水肿,尘状KP(++),前房轴深3C.T.,周边1/4C.T.,房水Tyndall征阳性,虹膜纹理模糊,瞳孔3mm×3mm,对光反射减弱,晶状体透明,视盘色红,边界清,中心凹反光存在。左眼眼前后段检查正常。患者正确的诊断应该是()
A. 原发性慢性闭角型青光眼 B. 原发性急性闭角型青光眼 C. 葡萄膜炎继发青光眼 D. 青光眼-睫状体炎综合征 E. 剥脱综合征 [判断题]( )当锚段全部在曲线半径相同的曲线时,中心锚结设在锚段中部。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]行车设备改造应符合( )原则。
A.针对性 B.先进性 C.适用性 D.可行性和经济型 [单选题]在企业技术创新过程模式中,创新难度最大的是()。
A.需求拉动模式 B.技术推动模式 C.交互作用模式 D.市场引导模式 [单选题](235479)汽水取样分析的样品必须先( ),然后才进入分析仪表。
A.加热 B.冷却减压 C.与冷却剂混合 D.减压 [多选题]注射压力的大小主要取决于塑料的品种、()和流程等。
A.制品厚度 B.注塑机类型 C.模具结构 D.注射工艺 [判断题] 温度仪表最高使用指示值一般为满量程的90%。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]移动箱变车的接地电阻不能大于( )Ω。
A.4 B.5 C.6 D.10 [单选题]制卡过程中必须双人操作,全程视频监控,监控录像至少保存()天。
A.60 B.30 C.90 D.180 [单选题] 因氧化生热而发生自燃的是( )。
A. 黄磷 B. 硝化棉 C. 乙烯 D. 锯末 [判断题]房屋维修是指房屋自建成到报废为止的整个使用过程中,对房屋进行查勘、设计、维护和更新等修葺活动。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]()中点画的刚柔变化,直接体现情感的节奏,有如感情的“心电图”。
[单选题]9/10号线服务器中RT21系统的安装位置在( )盘
A.A B.B C.C D.D [多项选择]股份有限公司申请股票上市,应当符合下列()条件。
A. 股票经国务院证券监督管理机构核准已公开发行 B. 公司股本总额不少于人民币三千万元 C. 该股份公司成立5年以上 D. 公司最近三年无重大违法行为,财务会计报告无虚假记载 [判断题] 跨越架上最后通过的导线、地线、引绳或封网绳等,应留有引绳做控制尾绳,防止滑落至带电体上。( )( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]重大危险源根据其危险程度,分为一级、二级、三级和四级,四级为最高级别。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]企业的再生产过程需要消耗生产资料,企业的持续发展需要( )积累,企业还需要上缴国家税收、获取必要的利润等。
A.资金 B.资料 C.资产 D.资本 [判断题]按压速度不自主的加快或减慢,影响按压效果。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]I have forgotten whether the song of the cricket be or not as early a token of autumn’s approach as any other -- that song which may be called an audible stillness; for though very loud and heard after, yet the mind does not take note of it as a sound, so completely is its individual existence merged among the accompanying characteristics of the season. Alas for the pleasant summer time! In August the grass is still verdant on the hills and in the valleys; the foliage of the trees is as dense as ever, and as green; the flowers gleam forth in richer abundance along the margin of the river, and by the stone walls, and deep among the woods; the days too, are as fervid now as they were a month ago; and yet in every breath of wind and in every beam of sunshine we hear the whispered farewell and behold the parting smile of a dear friend. There is a coolness amid and the heat, a mildness in the blazing noon. Not a breeze can stir but it thrills us with the breath of autunm. A pensive glory is
{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}} The decline in moral standards—which has long concerned social analysts—has at last captured the attention of average Americans. And Jean Bethke Elshtain, for one, is glad. The fact that ordinary citizens are now starting to think seriously about the nation’s moral climate, says this ethics professor at the University of Chicago, is reason to hope that new ideas will come forward to improve it. But the challenge is not to be underestimated. Materialism and individualism in American society are the biggest obstacles. "The thought that ’Urn in it for me’ has become deeply rooted in the national consciousness." Ms. Elshtain says. Some of this can be attributed to the disintegration of traditional communities, in which neighbors looked out for one another, she says. With today’s greater mobility and with so many couples working, those bonds have been weakened, replaced by a greater emphasis on self. A. was something unheard of B. was by no means a rare occurrence C. attracted a lot of public attention D. began to appear in analysts’ data [单选题]无法退还客户的代销结算款(应解汇款)、久悬账户未取款等,挂账超过挂账超过( ),经所在机构负责人审批同意后,可将挂账款项清理结转至营业外收入。
A.2年 B.1年 C.3个月 D.1个月 [判断题]2.184持有轻便摩托车F准驾车型的驾驶人准予驾驶轻便正三轮摩托车。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]3.637. 第637题
大工业客户的生产照明(系指井下、车间、厂房内照明)按()电价执行。 A.非工业 B.其他照明 C.普通工业 D.大工业 [单项选择]猪肉中含胆固醇最高的部分是()
A. 猪肉 B. 猪心 C. 猪肝 D. 猪肺 E. 猪脑 [判断题]硅是难还原元素,还原硅消耗的热量是还原相同数量铁耗热的5倍,因而常常把还原出硅的多少作为判断高炉热状态的标准。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]计划性风险自留应预先制订损失支付计划,下列不属于常见的损失支付方式的是( )。
A. 母公司保险 B. 自我保险 C. 将损失费计入后期成本 D. 建立非基金储备 我来回答: 提交