There are more than forty universities
in Britain--nearly twice as many as in 1960. During the 1960s eight
{{U}} (67) {{/U}} new ones were founded, and ten other new ones were
created by {{U}} (68) {{/U}} old colleges of technology into
universities. In the same period the number of students {{U}} (69)
{{/U}} doubled, from 70000 to over 200000. By 1973 about 10% of men aged
from eighteen to twenty-one were n universities and about 5% of women.
All the universities are {{U}} (70) {{/U}} institutions. Each has
its own governing councils, {{U}} (71) {{/U}} some local businessmen and
local politicians as {{U}} (72) {{/U}} as a few academics (大学教师). The
state began to {{U}} (73) {{/U}} grants to them fifty years ago, and by
1970 eachuniversity {{U}} (74) {{/U}} nearly all its {{U}} (75)
{{/U}} from state grants. Students have to pay {{U}} A. decision B. impact C. influence D. role [判断题]客户总是乐于走向并认可一个具有规范仪容仪表的服务者。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]粟粒性肺结核X线检查肺部粟粒状阴影出现的时间是
A. 起病3天 B. 起病1周后 C. 起病7天 D. 起病10天 E. 起病2周后 [单选题]一个企业网上银行客户号下,可以有( )账号。
A. 多个 B. 两个 C. 五个 D. 一个 [多选题]THDS-A(哈科所)探测站热敏探头定标时温度误差大处理建议正确的是( )。
A.更换热靶 B.通过探测站软件对温度误差进行补偿 C.更换探头 D.更换磁钢 E.更换IO卡 [单选题] 检修设备停电,除了必须把各方面的电源完全断开,还必须拉开(),使各方面至少有一个明显的断开点。
A.断路器 B.SF6 C.隔离开关 [多选题]设备双重名称即设备( )。
A.名称 B.状态 C.称号 D.编号 [名词解释]条约继承
[单项选择]海藻的功效是( )
A. 降气祛痰 B. 敛肺平喘 C. 清热滑痰 D. 和胃降逆 E. 软坚消痰 [单项选择]某小区场地自然地面标高5.50m,室外设计地面标高为3.5m,建筑物基础底面标高为1.50m,室内地面标高4.2m,正常压密均匀土层的天然重度为18kN/m3,地下水位在地面以下5.0m处,在平整场地以后开挖基槽,由上部结构传至基础底面的总压力为120kPa,计算沉降时基础底面附加压力应取下列(
A. ( 36kPa B. ( 48kPa C. ( 84kPa D. ( 120kPa [单项选择]亚急性甲状腺炎可能是由于()
A. 自身免疫性疾病 B. 病毒感染 C. 细菌感染 D. 血钙降低 E. 碘缺乏 我来回答: 提交