In an average winter, highway
departments spread some ten million tons of salt to keep roads safe. The
corrosive effects are well known, but for years they’ re been dismissed with the
argument that at around $ 25 a ton, salt is far cheaper than any
alternative. Lately, economists have added up the actual costs. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that salt-induced road damage and vehicle corrosion cost $ 3 billion a year. That does not include damage to underground cables, which adds hundreds of millions to utility bills. Nor does it reflect the cost of brine leaking into porous water pipes, threatening the water supply. Salty water leaches into roadbeds, kills evergreens and poisons streams. The various costs probably add another $ 2 billion A. it is less expensive B. it has minimal adverse effect C. people like it better than salt D. highway departments want to have a change [判断题]任何一台计算机都可安装win7
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]关于大肠腺瘤的叙述正确的是()
A. 直径多大于1cm B. 当伴发上皮内瘤变时有可能恶变 C. 恶变率与肿瘤大小无关 D. 重度异型增生腺瘤相当于早期癌 E. 结节状腺瘤最多见 [单项选择]监外执行交付执行机关和执行机关对人民检察院提出的纠正意见、检察建议无异议的,应当在()内纠正并告知纠正结果。
A. 5日 B. 5个工作日 C. 7日 D. 3日 [不定项选择题]A.整体审察
A.脉症合参 B.以常衡变 C.见微知著 D.司外揣内 E.通过观察微小的变化,可以测知整体的情况,属( ) [单项选择]下列各项中,应该征收增值税的有( )。
A. 医院提供治疗并销售药品 B. 邮局提供邮政服务并销售集邮商品 C. 销售商品房 D. 商店销售空调并负责安装 [单选题] 烤烟采收后,按照1..5.m长的标准竿编( )片数量进行编烟,并编紧扣牢,以防烘烤时脱落。
A.9.0~1.1.0 B.1.00~1.2.0 C.1.1.0~1.3.0 D.1.2.0~1.4.0 [多选题]以下不属于保管30年的会计档案的( )。
A.存、贷款开销户记录 B.会计人员及会计档案移交清册 C.会计凭证及附件 D.总账及明细核算资料 E.账销案存记录 [判断题]在纯电容电路中,正弦交流电压的有效值不变,改变电源频率时,电路中电流不变。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]起动机运转利用了( )的原理。
A.磁力线 B.电磁力 C.电场 D.磁场 我来回答: 提交