The creation of a universal language
uniting all mankind is an idea that has interested scholars for several
centuries. It is an exciting idea! Imagine a language which can break down the
barriers that tend to separate the different peoples of the world. The idea has
not been left to gather dust. Various attempts have been made to invent such a
language. The most widely known invented language, Esperanto, has about one
million speakers, but very few speakers use it as their everyday language.
Considering that the world population is already over four billion, this is not
a truly popular universal language. In fact, no invented language has ever been
widely accepted. The suggestion has been made that a true universal language exists already. Margaret Mead, among others, recently proposed that sign A. artificial language B. natural language C. universal language D. sign language [单选题]生产经营单位依照规定委托工程技术人员提供安全生产管理服务的,保证安全生产的责任由( )负责。
A.负责人 B. 工程技术人员 C.本单位 D.委托单位 [判断题]主接地极采用面积不小于0.6 m2、厚度不小于5 mm的钢板制成。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 如果我们可以在CFDS SYSTEM REPORT/TEST 菜单中找到某个部件的以前航段报告(previous leg report),那么这个部件是
A.TYPE 1 SYSTEM B.TYPE 2 SYSTEM C.TYPE 3 SYSTEM D.TYPE 1 SYSTEM或TYPE 2 SYSTEM [判断题]绕线式异步电动机在运行中,转子回路电阻减少,转速升高。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]药物的LD50愈大,则其
A.毒性愈大 B.毒性愈小 C.安全性愈小 D. 安全性愈大 E. 治疗指数愈高 [判断题]安置补助费,按照需要安置的农业人口数计算。( )
A.通信费不开发票,终端与业务开全额发票 B.终端与业务不开发票,通信费开全额发票 C.通信费不开发票,直降款开全额发票 D.直降款不开发票,通信费开全额发票 [单项选择]在国际工程中,送交世界银行的时间最迟不应迟于招标文件已经准备好、将向投标人公开发售之前( )天,以便及早安排刊登,使可能的投标人有时间考虑,并表示他们对这项采购的兴趣。
A. 30 B. 45 C. 60 D. 80 [单选题]肺血管栓塞时可出现
A.死腔样通气 B.限制性通气障碍 C.阻塞性通气障碍 D.解剖分流 E.弥散障碍 [单项选择]世界家庭发展的趋势是( )
A. 多样化 B. 大型化 C. 小型化 D. 中型化 [单选题]下列选项中三国典故与哲学论断对应错误的是( )。
A.士别三日,当刮目相看——用发展的眼光看问题 B.草船借箭——人可以认识并利用规律 C.张飞醉酒失徐州,借酒破张郃——矛盾是对立统一的 D.望梅止渴——理性认识依赖于感性认识 [多选题]负序分量的特点是( )。
A.幅值相等 B.相位相等 C.相位顺时针差120° D.相位逆时针差120° 我来回答: 提交