Culture is activity of thought, and receptiveness to beauty and human feeling. (1) of information have nothing to do with it. A merely well-informed man is the most useless (2) on God’s earth. What we should (3) at producing is men who (4) both culture and expert knowledge in some special direction. Their expert knowledge will give them the ground to start (5) , and their culture will lead them as (6) as philosophy and as high as (7) We have to remember that the valuable (8) development is self-development, and that it (9) takes place between the ages of sixteen and thirty. As to training, the most important part is given by mothers before the age of twelve.
In training a child to activity of thought, above all things we must (10) of what I will call "inert ideas"—— that is to say, ideas that are merely (11) into the mind without being (12) A. rare
B. minor
C. scarce
D. regular
As one works with color in a practical
or experimental way, one is impressed by two apparently unrelated facts. Color
as seen is a mobile changeable thing depending to a large extent on the
relationship of the color to other colors seen simultaneously. It is not fixed
in its relation to the direct stimulus which creates it. On the other hand, the
properties of surfaces that give rise to color do not seem to change greatly
under a wide variety of illumination colors, usually (but not always) looking
much the same in artificial light as in daylight. Both of these effects seem to
be due in large part to the mechanism of color adaptation mentioned
earlier. When the eye is fixed on a colored area, there is an immediate readjustment of the sensitivity of the eye to color in and around the area viewed. This readjustment does not immediat A. a time lag in the focusing ability of the eye B. some inability to see colors of the latter-named objects until loss of sensitivity has been regained. C. the immediate loss of the "afterimage" of the first object D. the adaptation in the central area of the eye but little adaptation in the lateral areas to the new intensity level. [单选题]大声喧哗∶陋习
A.金榜题名∶荣耀 B.沉默不语∶胆怯 C.埋头苦干∶成就 D.八仙过海∶法术 [单项选择]营业厅引导员在引导服务对象时,通常应居于()位置。
A. 左前方一米 B. 右前方一米 C. 左前方两米 D. 右前方两米 [单选题]使用金属外壳的电气工具时应戴()。
A.线手套 B.绝缘手套 C.口罩 D.护目眼镜 [单选题] 在网页中,下面对文本和图像设置超链接说法错误的是_____。
A. 选中要设置成超级链接的文字或图像,然后在属性面板的链接栏中添入相应的URL地址即可 B. 属性面板的链接栏中添入相应的URL地址格式可以是"" C. 设置好后,在编辑窗口中的空白处单击,可以发现选中的文本变为蓝色,并出现下划线。 D. 设置超链接方法不止一种 [单选题]便步的要领:用适当的( )、步幅行进,两臂自然摆动,上体保持良好姿态。[1分]
A.步调 B.步伐 C.步速 [判断题]工作负责人可以将放射性物品存放在控制区的过渡区内。()
A. 大洋洲区、欧洲区 B. 非洲区、美洲区 C. 世界雕塑园 D. 国际街 我来回答: 提交