Literature is a form of art that can be
enjoyed without formal instruction. However, people with (1)
knowledge of literature may miss a lot (2) reading a novel,
short story, poem, play, or (3) . These readers are
comparable to the (4) at a football game who watch the game
and (5) it without really understanding the complex
movements (6) on the field. Although they may enjoy the
(7) , many spectators watch only the ball (8)
, missing entirely the contribution of other members (9)
tile total play as well as the intricacies occurring within the
(10) . A person who understands football- (11)
better yet, has played the game -is more capable (12)
judging when a team is playing well or (13) and
is also likely to enjoy a "good" game more. A. narrated B. presented C. maintained D. explained [单选题]入河排污口(沟渠)水深小于lm,应在()水深处采样。
A.1/2 B.1/4 C.0.5m D.1/3 [判断题]某电信网络诈骗案件终结后,承办该案件的县公安局在将该案移送人民检察院审查起诉时,将封存状态的原始存储介质和收集、提取的电子数据及其备份一并移送。该县公安局做法正确。(1分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于化工管道布置的说法,错误的是( )
A.管道应尽量埋地敷设,以减少对空间的占用 B.对于温度较高的管道要采取热补偿措施 C.有凝液的管道要安排凝液排除装置 D.有气体积聚的管道要设置气体排放装置 [单选题]( )用来储存和释放压力的装置
A.液压泵 B.油箱 C.过滤器 D.蓄能器 [单选题]听觉信号,长声为()秒。(《铁路技术管理规程》(普速铁路部分)第460条)
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]给水泵( )不严时,严禁启动给水泵。
A.进口门; B.出口门; C.再循环门; D.出口止回门。 [多选题]制作环氧树脂电缆头和调配环氧树脂过程中,应采取( )措施。
A. B.防风 C.防毒 D.防水 E.防火 [判断题]临时建筑物应根据当地气候条件,采取抵御风、雪、雨、雷电等自然灾害的措施,使用过程中应定期进行检查维护。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]根据有效积温法则可以进行虫情预测预报。 ( )
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