Traditionally, universities have
carried out two main activities: research and teaching. Many experts would argue
that both these activities play a critical role in serving the community. The
fundamental question, however, is how does the community want or need to be
served In recent years universities have been coming under increasing pressure from. both the governments and the public to ensure that they do not remain "ivory towers(象牙塔)" of study separated from the realities of everyday life. University teachers have been encouraged, and in some cases constrained (强逼), to provide more courses which produce graduates with the technical skills required for the commercial use. (78) If Aristotle wanted to work in a university in the UK today, he would have a good chance of teaching computer science but would not be so readily empl A. do not contribute to economic growth at all B. are less useful to the society because they do not make direct contribution to economic growth C. are similar to medical and social services in their way of promoting economic growth D. should develop only when they are good for economic growth [单项选择]Questions 164-166 refer to the following article.
Oahu Fun Magazine: Mini Reviews The following restaurants are located in East Oahu and were reviewed by Oahu Fun Magazine’s food editors. The full-length of reviews for these restaurants as well as customer comments can be found on our Web site, McCormick (Seafood) Across from the ocean, this famous restaurant features cocktails, appetizers, salads, and sandwiches. The grilled crab-and-shrimp sandwich on a sour-dough bread is a favorite, and it can’t 9o wrong with the fresh fish of the day. Price range: $25-$40 Restaurant popularity:#4 in Honolulu 449 Kapahulu Ave, Honolulu, Oahu, HI 96815-3850 Tel:(808) 735-5544 Oretega (Mexican) There is often a wait at this great home-style Mexican restaurant. The Quesadillas and the fish taco are excellent. In addition to the indoor seating, the deck at the A. It is somewhat expensive. B. The food portions are large. C. It is often crowded. D. The sandwiches are recommended. [判断题]CO含量达60%~65%时,会导致人的死亡。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在尿道损伤的处理中,要解决的重要问题是
A. 解除尿潴留 B. 引流外渗的尿液 C. 防止感染 D. 防止尿道狭窄 E. 恢复尿道的连续性 [单项选择]施工单位应当在施工现场建立消防安全责任制度,确定消防安全( )。
A. 规程 B. 责任人 C. 抢救组织 D. 管理机构 [单选题]绝缘工具的绝缘电阻包括体积电阻和表面电阻,也与工具的长度及表面状况有关,一般情况下决定绝缘电阻的主要指( )。
A.体积电阻 B.表面电阻 C.工具的长度 D.表面状况 [判断题]52、对于充油电流互感器因检查油位是否正常,有无渗漏现象,是电流互感器巡视项目之一
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据《铁路旅客运输规程》规定铁路车站有关营业处所应有相应的( )等内容。
A.票价表、运价表、杂费表、时刻表和旅客须知 B.票价表、运价表、里程表 C.票价表、运价表、杂费表、里程表 D.票价表、运价表、票额表 [多选题]公司各级单位应建立应急资金保障机制,落实()所需资金,提高应急保障能力。
A.应急队伍 B.应急评估 C.应急装备 D.应急物资 [单选题]双腕臂底座间距应满足要求,极限温度时,两支悬挂及零部件间距不得小于( )mm,绝缘关节处还应满足绝缘间隙要求。
A.30 B.50 C.60 D.70 [多选题]下列对调车作业人身安全标准描述正确的是()。
A.班前4小时禁止饮酒 B.班中按规定着装,佩带防护用品 C.严禁在运行中的机车、车辆前面抢越 D.严禁扒乘运行中的机车、车辆,以车代步 [简答题]简述新产品的开发过程可分为哪几个阶段?
[单选题] 关于露天堆场的火灾特点错误的是()。
A. 堆垛大,储量多;堆垛之间没有防火分隔物 B. 露天堆场很受建筑空间限制 C. 底部有搁栅,空气流通充分,处于完全敞露状态 D. 有火势发展迅猛、燃烧面积大、易形成飞火、扑救时间长、灭火用水量大 [填空题]油漆主要分为();();()。
[单选题] A律13折线通常采用的量化级数为:( )
A.16; B.256; C.128; D.2048 [单项选择]托运()规定限制运输的货物以及需向公安、检疫等有关政府部门办理手续的货物,应当随附有效证明。
A. 政府 B. 航空公司 C. 公安机关 D. 承运人 [多选题]被判处有期徒刑、拘役的罪犯,可以暂予监外执行的情形有( )。
A.罪犯有严重疾病需要保外就医的 B.罪犯怀孕的 C.罪犯是正在哺乳自己婴儿的妇女 D.生活不能自理,适用暂予监外执行不致危害社会 [判断题]地方制式路政车进入高速公路,入口收费员发通行卡,按免费车操作。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]党支部要注重( )与____相结合,鼓励党员干部员工利用学习强国、灯塔-党建在线、石化党建等网络资源自主学习。
A.集体学习,个人自学 B.个人自学,网上学习 C.网上学习,个人自学 D.培训学习,个人自学 [名词解释]地域性运动项目
A. 开发商的企业概况、资信状况 B.开发商要求合作的项目情况、资金到位情况 C.开发商要求合作的项目工程进度情况’市场销售前景 D. 通过商品房销售贷款的合作可给银行带来的效益和风险分析 [判断题]几种不同属性的物件混杂在一起,只要用专门町靠的吊具,再加上被起升物件上站立专人看护就可起吊。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]
The start of monetary union in Europe is an exciting event. There is little doubt that it can unleash a new dynamic of enterprise and growth benefiting all of us. 41)______ [单选题]力量编成可以消防车编组为基础,根据类型灾害和各类消防车的特定作战功能,将( )辆以上消防车进行模块化编成,实现人、车、装备的最佳结合
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [判断题] [易]美团网是典型的020团购网站。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]吊夹具按夹紧力产生方式不同,可分为()。
A.自制夹钳 B.杠杆夹钳 C.偏心夹钳 D.他动夹钳 [多选题]行政复议机关履行行政复议职责,应当遵循的原则有( )。
A.合法 B.公正 C.公开 D.及时 E.便民 [单选题]想要去备份和迁移数据库,应该使用那种技术()。
A.分离 B.删除 C.添加 D.复制 我来回答: 提交