It is impossible to find out exactly
how many volunteers are at work today in the United States. Thirty-seven million
or so are known to belong to{{U}} (67) {{/U}}like the Pink Ladies,
Travelers’ Aid, or Big Brothers’, but those who work{{U}} (68) {{/U}}or
in small informal groups cannot be{{U}} (69) {{/U}}. The total number of
men and women who give their time to help others appears to be between fifty and
sixty-eight million. They do almost anything: they sew, clean,{{U}} (70) {{/U}}, paint, cook, repair things,{{U}} (71) {{/U}}books for the blind,{{U}} (72) {{/U}}sick children in hospitals, or{{U}} (73) {{/U}}senior citizens who do not want to go out alone. They give their blood; they work in libraries and schools; they (74) {{/U}}documents for new citizens with a language problem or{{U}} (75) {{/U}}money to support loc A. institutions B. organizations C. divisions D. unions [简答题]撑板支撑的横梁、纵梁和横撑布置应符合什么规定?
[单选题]( )应预先绘制盲板位置图,对盲板进行统一编号,并设专人统一指挥作业
A.生产车间(分厂) B.作业人员 C.监护人员 D.审批单位 [多选题]资产档案主要包括资产( )等相关资料。
A. 新增 B. 异动 C. 维修 D. 调拨 E.报废 [单选题] 根据观察需要2015版第五套人民币100元上应用的光变镂空开窗安全线位于()。
A.票面正面左侧 B.票面背面左侧 C.票面正面右侧 D.票面背面右侧 [判断题]1.41. 第41题并沟线夹属于连接金具。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列哪个不是全球环境问题?()。
A. 气候变化 B. 土地昂贵 C. 酸雨 D. 土地荒漠化 我来回答: 提交