The Federal Communications Commission is not alone in worrying about television stations that air corporate advertisements masquerading as news stories. In fact, the FCC requires that broadcast stations disclose the corporate backers of "video news releases" or face a maximum fine of $32,500 for each violation. Enough violations and a station could lose its license. The FCC sets out a clear policy: All outside news reporting must be identified, disclosing the source of any video news release aired on a news program.
There are occasional declines. A nonprofit consumer watchdog group reported to the FCC that 77 stations broadcast video features about products from 49 companies without pointing out that they were produced by public relations firms representing these corporations. Public relations firms have one goal: to make their video news releases look as if they are legitimate news reports, not propaganda.
However, PR-produced video news releases merely
A. they meet the interests of Spanish America.
B. they report the current wrongdoings of minorities.
C. they help keep the productivity of the society of white people.
D. they focus on the same news as other news media do.
Questions 51-56 are based on
the following passage. Stress in the Workplace What is stress Stress is the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure. It isn’t a disease. But if stress is intense and goes on for some time, it can lead to mental and physical ill health (e. g. depression, nervous breakdown, heart disease). Being under pressure can often improve performance, but when demands and pressures become excessiv A. The law requires them to make their workplaces stress-free. B. Reducing stress can be very expensive. C. Ignoring stress in employees may be expensive for the organization. D. Stressed workers complain a lot. [单项选择]中华民族实现繁荣与大同的前提条件和根本保证是()。
A. 天下为公,世界大同 B. 以和为贵、亲仁善邻、协和万邦、厚德载物 C. 互相学习、兼收并蓄 D. 反对侵略战争,维护祖国统一 [判断题]TVDS探测站设备安装底箱时,不需要挖通两条灰枕间外侧的道砟。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 隔离开关操作前,()必须按规定穿戴好绝缘靴和绝缘手套,确认开关及其操作机构正常,接地线良好,方准按程序操作。(电气安全规则4.21) (1分)
A.非专业人员 B.操作人 C.作业人员 D.专业人员 [判断题]受疫情影响较大的困难行业企业2020年度发生的亏损,最长结转年限为5年
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]查看存储器的容量,右键单击目标存储器后选择()
A. 心绞痛 B. 急性心内膜炎 C. 高血压危象 D. 急性乳头肌断裂 E. 快速性心律失常 [单选题]社会主义初级阶段基本纲领和基本路线的关系,党的基本纲领是基本路线的( )
A.展开 B.重要内容 C.核心内容 D.重要补充 [多项选择]根据国有资产产权界定管理规定,占有、使用国有资产的单位,发生下列情形,应当进行产权界定的有( )。
A. 与外方合资、合作 B. 实行股份制改造和与其他企业联营 C. 发生兼并、拍卖等产权变动 D. 国家所属单位创办企业和其他经济实体 [单选题]以下关于SSL协议的描述中,正确的是______。
A.以下关于SSL协议的描述中,正确的是______。 B.SSL报文能够在银行内部网上传输 C.SSL是基于传输层的协议 D.SSL有选择地加密一部分敏感信息 [单项选择]设链式栈中节点的结构为(data,link),且top是指向栈顶的指针。则在栈顶插入一个由指针s所指的节点应执行()。
A. top→link=s; B. s→link=top→link;top→link=s; C. s→link=top;top=s; D. s→link=top;top=top→link; [判断题]禁止用起重机起吊埋在地下的不明物件。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]员工工作时间需处理私事时应如何应对?
A.0.5 B.0.2 C.0.05 D.0.3 我来回答: 提交