Freudian theory indeed took western
20th-century civilization by storm. How so The answer lies in four
factors. Of Freud’s powers as a writer and advocate of ideas, and as a possessor of an extraordinary ability to weave together medical knowledge, some genuine insights into the human condition and a powerful imagination, there can be no question. He has the narrative skills of a first-rate novelist, and a knack for devising striking ways to describe the psychological phenomena he studies. His marvelous powers of imagination fed on analogy and metaphor, and annexed the austere terminologies of scientific medicine and psychology to them. This gave them authority. His case studies are highly organized narratives constructed from true-life gossip based on voyeurism—irresistible to human curiosity. The second attraction—that Freud offers each in A. humans are half beast and half angel B. sexual and aggressive impulses are the basic human drives C. humans always fight with the complicated nature D. sex is only part of human bewilderments [单选题]外界气压降低时,机体中氮的脱饱和最慢的组织是()
A.血液 B.淋巴 C.脂肪 D.肌肉 E.脑灰质 [单项选择]使用氢火焰检测器的工业色谱仪一般停机要求是()。
A. 先停恒温炉再断载气 B. 载气与恒温同时停 C. 先停载气再停恒温炉 D. 没有特殊要求 [多项选择]下列关于承销团的表述中,正确的有 ( )。
A. 承销团应当由主承销和参与承销的证券公司组成 B. 主承销必须由证券发行人按照公平竞争的原则,通过竞标的方式产生 C. 主承销一般要承担组建承销团、代表承销团与证券发行者签订承销合同和有关文件等事项 D. 作为主承销的证券公司与参与承销的证券公司之间应签订承销团协议,就当事人的情况、承销股票的种类、数量、金额、发行价格、承销的具体方式、各承销成员承销的份额及报酬以及承销组织工作的分工、承销期及起止日期、承销付款的日期及方式等达成一致意见 [判断题]磁电系测量机构的电磁力矩M的大小与被测电流I的大小成正比。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]夜间作业除执行日常各项劳动安全制度外,还应做到( )。
A.作业全程注意防滑 B.作业人员必须穿有反光条的防护服 C.配置足够的灯具、通讯设备 D.以上全错 [多选题] 扑救高层建筑火灾合理组织火场供水方法()。
A. 利用消防水池供水。 B. 利用移动消防装备与固定消防设施相结合供水 C. 利用固定消防设施供水 D. 利用移动消防装备直接供水 [判断题]水蒸气保护电弧焊主要用于工件的堆焊修复。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]列控中IO接口,每块驱动板有 个驱动位,每块采集板有 个采集位。
A. 建筑安装工程其他费用 B. 建设单位管理费 C. 建筑安装工程间接费 D. 工程建设其他费用 [填空题] Study Activities in University
In order to help college and university students in the process of learning, four key study activities have been designed and used to encourage them to make knowledge their own.
1. Essay writing: central focus of university work esp. in the humanities, e.g 【1】
benefits:l) Helping to select interesting content in books and to express understanding. 2) Enabling teachers to know progress and to offer【2】. 3) miliarizing students with exam forms.
2. Seminars and classroom discussion: another form to internalize knowledge in specialized contexts.
benefits: l)【3】enables you to know the effectivess of and others’’ response to your speechimmediately. 2) Within the same period of time, more topics can be dealt with thanin 【4】. 3) The use of a broader range of knowledge is encouraged.
3. Individual tutorials:a substitute for group discussion.
format: from teacher【5】to flexible conversation, benefit: encouraging ideas and inter
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