Thirty-one million Americans are over 60 years of
age, and twenty-nine million of them are healthy, busy, productive citizens. By
the year 2030, one in every five people in the United States will be over 60.
People are members of the fastest-growing minority in this country. Many call
this the "graying of America". In D73, a group called the "Gray Panthers" was organized. This group is made up of young and old citizens. They are trying to deal with the special problems of growing old in America. The Gray Panthers know that many elderly people have health problems; some cannot walk well, others cannot see or hear well. Some have financial problems; prices are going up so fast that the elderly can’t afford the food, clothing, and housing they need. Some old people are afraid and have safety problems. Others have emotional problems. Many elderly are lonely b A. why elders should be taken care of B. where and how elders live C. who needs medical care D. how to improve education in the USA [单项选择]
A. 血尿酶 B. 尿液找癌细胞 C. 输尿管肾镜+活检 D. 膀胱镜检查 E CT检查 [简答题]例举出两种最广泛使用的集成电路封装材料。
A.社会学 B.运筹学 C.经济学 D.行为计算 E.管理信息系统 [单项选择]发生一般矿山事故,由( )负责调查和处理。
A. 安全生产监督管理部门、矿山企业和工会 B. 安全生产监督部门、有关部门和矿山企业 C. 矿山企业工会、安全生产监督部门 D. 矿山企业有关部门、工会和矿山企业 [单项选择]在3G的安全管理中,实现加密性与完整性保护的网元是()
A. HLR B. RNC C. SGSN D. MSC [单项选择]精神分裂症的首次发病时间一般在()
A. 成年晚期或中年早期 B. 青少年晚期或成年早期 C. 青春期开始时 D. 童年时期 [单项选择]按照国际公认的警戒线,一国外债结构是否合理,关键看短期外债余额在全部外债余额中的比重。如果低于( ),则表明外债结构合理,反之则预示着存在外债风险。
A. 15% B. 20% C. 25% D. 30% [单选题] 沥青防腐层加强级总厚度应()。
A.≥3mm B.≥4mm C.≥5mm D.≥5.5mm [单选题]关于肿瘤免疫的正确描述是
A.肿瘤抗原只存在于细胞表面 B.血清中抗甲胎蛋白抗体水平增高有助于原发性肝癌诊断 C.血清中癌胚抗原水平增高有助于结肠癌诊断 D.同种类型的肿瘤表达的肿瘤抗原相同 E.HIV与成人T淋巴细胞白血病的发病有关 [多项选择]在国际交往中,遵守“忠于祖国”基本法则的行为通常体现在()基本方面。
A. 维护祖国的利益 B. 拥护本国的政府 C. 了解本国的方针 D. 维护本单位的权益 [单选题]下列茶具不属于助泡器的为( )
A.茶则 B.茶针 C.盖碗 D.茶夹 我来回答: 提交