The two claws of the mature American
lobster are decidedly different from each other. The crusher claw is short and
stout; the cutter claw is long and slender. Such bilateral asymmetry, in which
the fight side of the body is, in all other respects, a mirror image of the left
side, is not unlike handedness in humans. But where the majority of humans are
right-handed, in lobsters the crasher claw appears with equal probability on
either the right side or left side of the body. Bilateral asymmetry of the claws comes about gradually. In the juvenile fourth and fifth stages of development, the paired claws are symmetrical and cutter like. Asymmetry begins to appear in the juvenile sixth stage of development, and the paired claws further diverge toward well-defined cutter and crusher claws during succeeding stages. An intriguing aspect A. A left cutter like claw is removed in the fifth stage and a crusher claw develops on the right side. B. A left cutter like claw is removed in the fourth stage and a crusher claw develops on the left side. C. A left cutter like claw is removed in the six stage and a crusher claw develops on the right side. D. A left cutter like claw is removed in the fourth stage and a crusher claw develops on the right side. [单项选择]某黏性土场地采用振冲碎石桩处理,按三角形布桩,桩径为1.2m,桩土应力比n=3,地基土承载力为100kPa,压缩模量为4MPa,要求复合地基承载力达到160kPa,按《建筑地基处理技术规范》(JGJ79-2002)进行计算。振冲碎石桩面积置换率为()。
A. 20% B. 25% C. 30% D. 35% [单项选择]男性,48岁,患慢性肾炎多年,近2个月来恶心、呕吐,体检:血压20/13kPa(150/98mmHg),血红蛋白65g/L,BUN15mmol/L,Cr400μmol/L。问本例最可能的诊断是()
A. 慢性肾炎急性发作型 B. 慢性肾炎高血压型 C. 慢性肾功能不全代偿期 D. 慢性肾功能不全氮质血症期 E. 慢性肾功能不全尿毒症期 [单选题]下述哪种炎性介质具有化学趋化作用( )
A.组胺 B.C5a C.C3b D.缓激肽 [单项选择]甲将与其有私仇的乙打昏在地后逃跑,此时丙路过,见乙不省人事,遂将其所戴手表、钱物偷走。下列说法正确的是:
A. 甲、丙构成共同犯罪 B. 甲、丙构成故意伤罪、盗窃罪 C. 甲构成故意伤害罪、丙构成盗窃罪 D. 甲构成故意伤害罪 [多项选择]中药在贮藏中常见的变质现象有()
A. 破碎 B. 生霉 C. 变色 D. 风化 E. 虫蛀 [单项选择]万方数据平台的法规中,《最高人民法院关于废止1997年7月1日至2011年12月31日期间发布的部分司法解释和司法解释性质文件(第十批)的决定》的发文文号是()
A. 法释[2013]第7号 B. 法释[2012]第5号 C. 法释[2011]第9号 D. 法释[2014]第7号 [判断题]《安全生产法》规定:矿山、建筑施工单位、危险物品的生产、经营、储存单位应当设置安全生产管理机构或者配备专职安全生产管理人员。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]以下可能增加货币供应量的是()。
A. 差别性降准 B. 央行提高再贴现率 C. 央行在公开市场上买出证券 D. 提高准备金率 [单项选择] {{B}}Text 1{{/B}}