In the United States today, coffee is a
more popular drink (1) tea, but tea played (2)
interesting part in the history of the United States. Before they won
their (3) from Britain, the colonists were forced to
(4) taxes on many goods imported into America. The tax money
was (5) to support colonial governors and officials sent to
the colonies by the British. In 1770 the British Prime Minister had repealed
most of the taxes, but King George (6) on retaining the tax
(7) tea. The King saw the tax as a (8)
of the British right to tax the colonies. American merchants (9)
smuggled nine-tenths of America’s tea into the country and
(10) paying the taxes. (11) the tax savings, the price of tea remained expensive due. to (12) shipping costs. When the British A. badly B. yet C. illegally D. nearly [多选题]下列词语中没有错别字的是( )。
A.按步就班 绿树成荫 首屈一指 蜚声遐迩 B.史无前例 提纲挈领 绿草如茵 越俎代庖 C.礼尚往来 协从不问 喧宾夺主 假公济私 D.徇私舞弊 异口同声 党同伐异 常备不懈 [单选题]Q: What did the woman remember to say?
A. When she read the same book. B. Which book she finished reading. C. Who wrote the book Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. D. What the letters “J” and “K” stand for. [单选题]液压操作机构适用于()kV等级的断路器。
A.6 B.10 C.20 D.35 [判断题]电动机冷态允许启动1次。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]春运期间,对学生旅客实行( )四优先.
A.购票 B. 承运 C.托运 D.候车、上车 [多选题]腰带和保险带、绳( )。
A.应有足够的机械强度 B.材质应有耐磨性 C.卡环(钩)应具有保险装置,操作应灵活 D.外形应美观 [单选题]WJ-8型扣件按无砟道床形式应为()扣件。
A.A、无挡肩 B. B、有挡肩 C. C、有螺栓 D. D、无螺栓 [单项选择]下列何项不是枳实导滞丸的药组()
A. 泽泻 B. 萝卜子 C. 大黄 D. 黄连 E. 白术 [判断题]急性房颤合并心衰的患者治疗首选洋地黄。
[单选题] 新和成股份的企业使命是( )。
A.创新精细化工 改善生活品质 B.领导精细化工 改善生活品质 C.创新精细化工 成就人类幸福 D.领导精细化工 成就人类幸福( [判断题]胸外心脏按压时,手掌掌根应压在胸骨上,垂直上下用力,防止肋骨骨折。( )(易)
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]随着钢中含碳量的增加,钢中渗碳体的量将减小。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]负荷实测及理论线损计算工作原则上每年不得少于(____)次。若电源布局、电网结构发生重大变化时,应及时进行计算。
A.一 B.二 C.三 D.四 我来回答: 提交