Don Bruns of Lima, Ohio, and his 11-
year-old son, Aaron, love baseball, and the Cincinnati Reds in particular. For,
Aaron’s birthday last October, his dad decided to drive him to Cincinnati more
than two hours away, for the first game of the World Series. They had no tickets
but hoped to buy a pair from scalpers. After arriving at Riverfront Stadium, the Brunses walked the streets for two hours. Aaron wearing a Reds cap, his father carrying a sign that said "We Need 2 Tickets." "There were a lot of scalpers," the father said." But the cheapest ticket was $1075 a piece. I couldn’t afford that." And Aaron understood. Then the boy and his father were approached by Michael Teicher, who worked for a company that produces baseball highlight show for TV. Teicher pulled out a pair of tickets and handed them to Bruns.< A. The Brunses walked the streets for two hours in order to get the tickets. B. They were very disappointed that there weren’t any tickets at all. C. Michael Teicher gave them two tickets for free. D. Joe Podesta wanted to give the tickets to people who deserved. [单选题] ( )是研究元件有无过负荷及母线电压有无越限。
A.静态安全分析 B.动态安全分析 C.暂态安全分析 D.网络安全分析 [单项选择]油毡防潮层不能用于()。
A. 框架结构 B. 砖混结构 C. 石材结构 D. 有抗震设防要求的墙体中 [多选题]不同公司的资本成本不同,公司资本成本差异形成的原因有( )。
A.无风险报酬率 B.资本结构 C.经营风险 D.财务风险 E.公司规模 [单选题]移动通信和简易信号通信不适用于指挥通信。( )( 中 )(应急通信)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]顺流式磁选给料方向与精矿排出方向(),给矿方向与圆筒转动方向()。
A. 一致、相反 B. 相反、相反 C. 一致、一致 D. 相反、一致 [填空题]油浸式变压内部潜伏故障,一般可分为 ( )性故障和 ( ) 性故障两类。
A. 肋间神经炎 B. 肋骨骨折 C. 脊柱骨折 D. 气胸 E. 肝脏损伤 [判断题]消防安全重点单位应当建立健全消防档案。消防档案应当包括消防安全基本情况和消防安全管理情况。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 2:1是缩小比例。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]融资租赁公司提供的设备融资额为100万元,年租赁费率为15%,按年支付,租赁期限10年,到期设备归承租方,忽略设备余值的影响,资金筹集费为融资额的5%,则融资租赁资金成本为( )。
A. 8.6% B. 9.3% C. 10.2% D. 12.8% [单项选择]关于正常胸片下列哪项是错误的()
A. 应完全包括两侧肋膈角 B. 肋软骨未钙化时不显影 C. 正位胸片应显示上4个胸椎 D. 左膈顶高度常高于右膈顶 E. 第4肋后端约平胸骨角 [单项选择]
A. Society is to be held responsible. B. Modern civilization is responsible for it. C. The criminal himself should bear the blame. D. The standards of living should be improved. [单选题]某日上午9:00许,某房地产公司的楼盘开发项目在施工建设过程中,受到当地部分村民的强烈阻挠,引发双方斗殴。民警接警后迅速赶赴现场。由于双方当事人人数众多,现场民警难以有效制止违法行为。下列做法恰当的是:
A.向当地派出所负责人报告 B.向所属公安机关报告 C.向上级公安机关报告 D.向政府有关主管部门报告 [多项选择]工资核算软件输出的主要报表有()。
A. 部门汇总表 B. 分类汇总表 C. 工资面额表 D. 工资发放表 [单选题](618092)弹性式压力仪表根据所用弹性元件来分,可分为( )。(1.0分)
A.薄膜式、波纹管式、弹簧管式等 B.平膜式、波纹膜式、挠性膜式等 C.薄膜式、波纹管式、波登管式等 D.其他三项都不是 [单项选择]
Advertisement can be thought of "as the means of making known in order to buy or sell goods or services". Advertisement aims to increase people’s awareness and arouse interest. It tries to inform and to persuade. The media are all used to spread the message. The press offers a fairly cheap method, and magazines are used to reach special sections of the market. The cinema and commercial radio are useful for local market. Television, although more expensive, can be very effective. Public notices are fairly cheap and more permanent in their power of attraction. Other ways of increasing consumer interest are through exhibitions and trade fairs as well as direct mail advertisement. [简答题]黄连阿胶汤与栀子豉汤证同具心烦不得眠之证,如何在使用时加以鉴别?
[填空题]列车在车站发车前,司机必须确认( )及发车信号显示正确后,方可起动列车。
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