A serious critic has to comprehend the
particular content, unique structure, and special meaning of a work of art. And
here she faces a dilemma. The critic must recognize the artistic element of
uniqueness that requires subjective reaction; yet she must not be unduly
prejudiced by such reactions. Her likes and dislikes are less important
than what the work itself communicates, and her preferences may blind her to
certain qualities of the work and thereby prevent an adequate understanding of
it. Hence, it is necessary that a critic develop a sensibility informed by
familiarity with the history of art and aesthetic theory. On the other hand, it
is insufficient to treat the artwork solely historically, in relation to a fixed
set of ideas or values. The critic’s knowledge and training are, rather, a
preparation of the cognitive and emotional abilities needed for A. doing so would lead the critic into a dilemma B. doing so can blind the critic to some of the artwork’s unique qualities C. doing so can insulate the critic from personally held beliefs D. subjective reactions can produce a biased response [单项选择]Driving cars, trucks and motorcycles is an important part of our lives. We do it every day to get to work, to school or to friends’ houses.
Driving can be very convenient, but can also cause many problems. Waiting in line at a red light, a driver may get impatient and decide just to drive right through it. If another car is coming from the other direction, there might be a terrible accident. Cutting another car off can make its driver angry, so that driver cuts off someone else. Pretty soon everybody is angry, and impatient. Traffic accidents declare millions of lives every year worldwide. In Taiwan alone, over seven people are killed in accidents every day. The annual death rate from traffic accidents in Taiwan is twice that of Japan. To allow traffic to move smoothly and safely, everybody must follow the rules. Before you drive, learn all the traffic laws. That way of driving is safe, convenient and even fun! The sentence "Traffic accidents d A. traffic accidents make some people become millionaires B. many people die from traffic accidents C. millions Of people say they themselves have had traffic accidents D. millions of people remain healthy after traffic accidents [多选题]综合接地各设备室内防静电地板铁架与接地母排连接一体,( )等设备室的设备接地均接入室内综合接地母排上,接地系统电阻值为≤1Ω。
A.控制中心 B.车站 C.车辆段信号楼 D.综合维修楼 E.停车场 [判断题]车站值班员(信号员)得到调车人员(司机)“问路”和机车车辆压岔的报告后,应通过控制台确认压岔、压绝缘状态。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]男性,75岁。排尿困难5年,腰背痛2个月。查体:前列腺左叶有一直径1cm大小质硬结节。血PSA>100ng/ml。患者主诉腰痛明显,根据其病情,药物治疗宜选择()。
A. 布洛芬 B. 哌替啶 C. 曲马多或奥施康定 D. 择泰(唑来膦酸) E. 中药 [简答题] 补全对话:王先生您下次保养时间是2022年3月1日,___是行驶到20000公里时,以___为限。
[单选题] 施工用电发电机组禁止设在以下( )场所。 (1.0分)
A. 基坑里 B. 场地内 C. 设备间内 D. 施工区 [多项选择]商业银行不同于专业银行的特点是( )。
A. 能吸收活期存款,办理转账结算 B. 能办理多种信用业务 C. 办理中间业务 D. 能办理非信用业务 [单项选择]每一实验单位具有同等机会被分配到各对比组的原则属于()。
A. 随机原则 B. 重复原则 C. 对照原则 D. 均衡原则 E. 抽样原则 [判断题]集装箱装箱单是详细记载集装箱内货物的名称、数量等内容的单据,每一个载货集装箱都要制作这样的单据。它是根据计划装进集装箱内的货物制作的。( )
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