Most worthwhile careers require some kind of specialized training. Ideally, therefore, the choice of a(n) (1) should be made even before the choice of a curriculum in high school. Actually, (2) , most people make several job choices during their working lives, (3) because of economic and industrial changes and partly to (4) their positions.
The "one perfect job" does not exist. Young people should (5) enter into a broad flexible training program that will (6) them for a field of work rather than for a single (7) . Unfortunately many young people have to make career plans (8) benefit of help from a competent vocational counselor or psychologist. Knowing (9) about the occupational world, or themselves for that matter, they choose their lifework on a hit-or-miss (10) . Some drift from job to job. Others (11) to work in which they are unhappy and for which they are not fi
A. wholly
B. largely
C. mainly
D. partly
German zoologist Randolf Menzel says
bees aren’t as busy as people believe they are. "Bees are not particularly
{{U}} (76) {{/U}} . Instead they sleep a lot and are lazy. They spend
{{U}} (77) {{/U}} 80 per cent of the night sleeping. Even during the day
they often fly to the nest {{U}} (78) {{/U}} they rest their wings." said
Menzel, a zoologist at the Free University in Berlin, who hasstudied bees for
four decades. But to {{U}} (79) {{/U}} for their apparent laziness, they
are actually very intelligent. They are {{U}} (80) {{/U}} learners and
able to recognize various smells. Menzel said bees’ learning, like {{U}} (81) {{/U}} of many animals, was based on a reward system. "If a A. compensate B. provide C. search D. account [单项选择]某分部工程有4个施工过程,各分为3个施工段组织加快的成倍节拍流水施工。各施工过程在各施工段上的流水节拍分别为6、4、6、4天,则专业工作队数应为( )个。
A. 3 B. 4 C. 6 D. 10 [判断题]使用灯显设备指挥调车时,遇危及行车、人身安全等紧急情况时,连结员(制动员)应直接按下“紧急停车”键。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 与交通事故相比,下列哪一项属于飞行器事故的特点?( )
A. 人员伤亡多,财产损失大 B. 极易造成次生灾害 C. 失事地点不确定,救援困难 D. 救援难度大 [填空题]《清华大学王观堂先生纪念碑铭》里,陈寅恪认为王国维自沉的原因是()
[判断题]车床主轴的径向圆跳动将造成被加工工件端面平面度误差。( )
A. 查规格、剂量、数量并签名,对患者姓名,逐一核对药品与处方的相符性 B. 查处方,对科别、姓名、年龄 C. 查药品,对药名、剂型、规格、数量 D. 查配伍禁忌,对药品性状、用法用量 E. 查用药合理性,对临床诊断 [填空题]音响信号中,指挥员的“急促长声”表示 ( )。
[多选题]针对现网TD BBU支持平滑升级到TD-LTE的情况,可采用TD BBU软件升级后增加板卡的方式建设TD-LTE BBU。选择该方式建设时,必须确保()。
A.槽位足够 B.光模块满足TD-LTE需求 C.光纤资源满足TD-LTE需求 D.电源能力满足TD-LTE需求 [单选题]电动起重机应执行下列规定:电气设备进行检修和保养时,应先切断()
A.开关 B.电源 C.刀闸 D.保险 E./ F./ G./ H./ [简答题]C想在公共场合读自己的书
A. 温补阳气 B. 资助肾阳 C. 扶助阳气 D. 温通心阳 E. 滋阴助阳 [名词解释]交易性金融资产
一患者男性,42岁,3天来右下后牙阵发性自发痛,冷热刺激引起痛或加剧痛,昨夜痛不能入睡,而来就诊。该患者半年来右下后牙有洞,咬物痛,1个月前曾有过类似发作,服去痛片后缓解,未做其他治疗。 临床检查最可能发现的是()。A. 右下后牙深及牙髓的龋洞 B. 热刺激引起痛,冷刺激使痛缓解 C. 叩痛(+++) D. 电活力测定无反应 E. X线片根尖周透影区 [单选题]BE007 转子流量计中转子在锥形管内平衡位置的高低与被测介质( )的大小相对应。
A.流量 B.压力 C.温度 D.体积 [单项选择]甲公司2014年3月14日获得一项外观设计专利,乙公司未经许可,以生产经营目的制造该专利产品。丙公司未经甲公司许可,以生产经营目的所为的下列行为中,不构成侵权行为的是()
A. 销售乙公司制造的该专利产品 B. 进口乙公司制造的该专利产品 C. 许诺销售乙公司制造的该专利产品 D. 使用乙公司制造的该专利产品 我来回答: 提交